Sunday, January 4, 2015

What love means to me!

Dear Family of  Love,

Today was a better day in the mood department. No post holiday blues to let me down. Boy that is a relief. I began thinking about love and what it means to me. We all have our definitions but I want to share with you what it means to me:
God is love and Love is God.
Love is family.
Love has not limits or boundaries.
Love is eternal
You are love my dear family of  Love!
 Love is the energy that makes our lives richer and more full.
Love is always renewing itself like an artesian well.
Love is always is always giving and receiving simultaneously.
Love always is in the act of forgiving and being forgiven.
Love sustains.
Love casts out fear, hate, and is the antidote to violence
Love puts our self  first and last.
Love is the energy that powers our heart homes.
Love unties and doesn't divide.
Love makes peace within and peace with out.
Love heals, binds up wounds, frees the minds of captives, gives shelters to the homeless and refugee.
Love transcends time and space. Love is where Heaven abides!
Love puts a smile on our faces and on the face of others.
Love is a gift that doesn't require refunds or exchanges.
Love makes us a forever family that may never be broken.
Love does make sacrifices for the good of all.
Love challenges us to be our best.
Love is always freeing not claustrophobic.
Love means never to have to say goodbye.
Love is always expanding never contracting.
Love accepts and is always calling us to be authentically who we are.
Love is warm, exciting, passionate, and intimate.
Love is a Gift from God that we Give Back to God, and We give each other and ourselves.
Love is many more things but it would take all night for this blog to be written.

Now in the silence of our meditation time what does love mean to you?  Here is tonight's meditation  and listening music: Ubi Caritas -Durufle
Ubi Caritas - Hurd
Ubi Caritas-Taize

Let us now pray to God who is Love.

God of Love we pray that in this year to come we may practice random acts of kindness and love radically and more fully than we ever have before.

God of Love we pray that we may love one another not half-heartedly but fully and with out  fear.

God of Love we  pray for the healing of divisions throughout our land in war-torn nations. May love and peace prevail in this your fragile and broken world.

God of Love we pray for the healing of those who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. We remember Baby Sophia and Mallorie and all of our family members and those who have asked us to pray for.

God of Love we pray for all those who are homeless, hungry, and have nowhere to lay their heads in this cold weather. May they have courage to seek shelter and the many warming centers that are available. Protect them and keep them safe from harm.

God of Love we pray for all pets and all animals who aren't being protected from the cold weather. May the owners of their pets show loving concern for their fluffy family members.

God of Love we pray for justice, universal human rights and the courage to lovingly respond to those who are voiceless and need us to speak truth to power.

God of Love be with our family members who grieve losses that are new and those that are ongoing.
Give us compassionate hearts to love them through dark times and show them the light of your love.

God of Love we pray for all of our family members who live in the Thin Places where eternal joy and light are to be found.

God of Love we pray for all our family members who have children returning to school this week and those who have a little while longer to wait.

God of Love we pray for the protection of our most vulnerable family members remembering children, elderly, differently-abled, those with memory disorders.

God of Love we pray for all our family members who are awaiting surgery and who are hospitalized.

God of Love we pray for ___________________________

God of Love we give thanks for______________________

God of Love we celebrate____________________________

God of Love we remember___________________________

We lay these our prayers at the feet of Jesus who is Love incarnate and in His Most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Lovies! Tomorrow is the first  You Matter Monday of the Year!  You are loved, You matter! You are awesome! I love you!

Love to the brim and overflowing, baskets full of  blessings,  jars full of  joy, planets full of peace, hills full of hope, be always yours,


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