Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Sabbath Care Sunday May we take time to rest and pray with these photos!

Dear Family of  Love,

I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful day of  Sabbath rest. Rest is so important for our bodies, minds, and spirits. I'm finding that this is so important due to the time change this year.
Tonight instead of a long drawn out blog we are going to have a photo prayer walk and a time of resting reflection. We all need more peace and not many words! We will have plenty of those tomorrow on You Matter Monday! 

Gracious God as we set our feet upon our day and into the night, we give thanks to you  O, God for sustaining and loving us all the day long. 

May we seek your presence in nature and with each other.

May we see positive things in all situations even when there are clouds in the sky.

Give us strong feet as we go through our daily lives.

May we see you working in the lives of our family members as we meet them on the paths we take.

Help our children grow up like trees with solid roots and have graceful wings in which to soar.

 God we pray for all of our family members who are going through illness and any kind of struggle. May we lovingly respond and comfort them when they need us.

 As the sun sets upon our day may we all take time to rest, pray, and give thanks!  Let us do that now.

We pray for all who are mourning may we help them have strength and allow them to grieve in peace and in public if necessary.

 God we pray for all who have died and walked into the Sunset of their lives and on into the Thin Places. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Gracious God we give thanks for your daily art work that shows us that you are truly a masterful creator. 

May we all send each other love, prayers, hugs, blessings, and  keep our heart light shining and leave our heart homes open.

May we all continue to grow and blossom into the beautiful and loving Children of God you have made us to be.

May we continue to unfold like flowers and be excited to see what's next in God's plan.

God we give thanks for families and especially the elderly and newborn.

God help us to remember that love is the key and all we have to do is keep loving and forgiving others who we don't get along with and may be our enemies. May our prayers said with  love and forgiveness help turn the hearts of the violent.

We offer these our prayers and thanksgivings in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Now for a time of quiet reflection: Featuring: Taize Mix!


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! May you all have a blessed and restful night! Take time for more Sabbath Care. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

With love, prayers, and blessings,


P.S. The Ripple meditation is here for you to have with you as we begin the next ripples! Start from the bottom and go up!

racious God You are the center of our hearts, lives, and being, help us to center ourselves in this meditation and prayer time.

21. Take time to slowly return to God and to being present in the world and to God and each other. 
20. Give thanks for our lives.
19. Pray for love, love, love
18. Tell Jesus or your higher power what your worries are.
17. Ask God to be  present with us every day.
16.  Take time to calm our bodies and rest in God.
15. Let us relax our bodies minds and spirits.
14 Let us breathe in God and breath out the Holy Spirit.
13.Let us place our mouse on the droplet and pray that we may be centered in God.
12 The First ripple we pray for our relationships with God and Our Family Members
11. The Second ripple we pray for our neighbors and all those who are in need of neighborly attention.
10 The Third ripple we pray for ourselves and that we may learn and grow stronger in loving God, our neighbors, enemies, and ourselves. 
9. The Fourth ripple we hover our mouse and pray for God's Cathedral of life and that we may be good stewards of the earth.
8. The Fifth ripple we pray for peace in the world and that we may be peace makers.
7. The  Sixth ripple we  hover our mouse and remember all those who have died and those who are mourning.
6.The Seventh ripple we remember and pray that we may acknowledge the sacredness of life and that each day is holy.
5. Coming back in we pray for children that they may be protected from harm.
4. We pray for strong bonds of love and friendship among all faith communities.
3.We pray for peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits as we prepare for the week ahead.
2. We pray for all those who are ill and those who are in need of healing.
 1.We pray for all the least of these and that we may lovingly respond to their needs.
As we close this meditation we hover our mouse on the last few ripples being still before God and  returning to the center we acknowledge our need an dependence upon God and each other.

Don't worry if there aren't the same amount of ripples that correspond with the Virtual Meditation with the Ripples. 

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