Friday, March 13, 2015

Welcome to the 20th Ripple in the Pond! Let's take time to remember what Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting is all about.

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a marvelous day! We give thanks today for so many blessings that make our lives complete. Tonight let's take time to remember what Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting is all about. We are approaching  the half-way point in our Lenten observance and that means that we should be approaching all Fridays with faith fearlessly and with out being anxious.Fridays for all Christians calls out to us to remember what Jesus was brought to Earth to do and not do. We have to remember that as terrible as the crucifixion was, our lives and the lives of all God's Children, with out it were going to be bleak and very dark and without a lot of light and promise. What we see is the rest of the story that the Apostles and the followers of Jesus didn't see on Good Friday. We see that time from the tomb to the resurrection as Jesus' period of living in a chrysalis or cocoon, so that He could garner his strength and be prepared to meet his friends and loved ones post-resurrection and give everyone their final instructions prior to His being "Beamed up!" So on Friday's we must also garner our strength and remember that Keeping the Faith  Friday Fearlessly without Fretting means we put down our fears and taking this period of time to cocoon and get ready for Sabbath Rest Sunday! But before we do this we need to place our worries, anxieties, fears, and whatever else is troubling us into a Worry/ Sabbath Jar and have prayer time ond Friday and then tomorrow provide for a time of Self Care and getting rest.  Tonight let us begin and prepare ourselves to meet God throughout the weekend and feel God's loving presence among us.

Let us do a Labyrinth Meditation tonight and have a brief time of prayer:

Gracious God we thank you for the gift of your son and what he accomplished on the Cross for all of your Children.

Help us to see Fridays as a gift from you and that we may ever be renewed during this time of cocooning and preparing to celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Sunday. Even though there may be a time of darkness the light gradually will shine with your glory.

Give us the time to pray for ourselves and the needs of others and not forget to give thanks for every thing that you have brought into our lives.

We pray tonight for all who have been displaced from their homes as victims of disasters, and becoming refugees. We pray that they may find comfort and be brought back home to live out their years in peace and tranquility.

We pray for all who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. Give them strength to meet the days ahead  and await your healing that has begun.

We remember especially___________

We pray for Ferguson, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and all other places in your fragile and broken world  that peace may prevail and that the violent hearts may be softened and turned away from all this bitterness and anger.

We pray for all those who are seeking justice, equality and universal human rights.

We pray for all who are dying and who have died today and we remember especially those who are mourning losses of any kind.

We offer these our prayers and thanksgivings to you Lord Jesus. Amen.


God Bless You Dear Family Of Love! I love you and as is our custom give Thanks to God for you this night and always. Take time to begin preparing for Sabbath Rest Sunday so that you may feel renewed to worship on Sunday and in the week ahead.

With Love, joy, peace, and hope!



Here are tonight's walking photos and a few others!

Music for your listening pleasure!

Out of Africa

Dances with Wolves Soundtrack

The Thorn Birds Love Theme

Shogun Soundtrack

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