Monday, March 2, 2015

The 10th Ripple - Becoming a voice for the voiceless and ensuring everyone matters!

Dear Family of  Love,

Happy  first You Matter Monday of  March. Did you know that you matter? Yes, you do and I hope you know this from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Everyone matters! Yes, it is time to get on our soapboxes again! We all need to become a voice for the voiceless. I don't know what your social justice leanings are but we all need to take a stand for the least of these. As human beings we really aren't given any choice and most especially when we are people of faith. How many of you have signed a petition lately,? Written your Congressperson?, Wrote a letter to the editor? , Participated in acts of non-violent protest?, Called on behalf of certain social justice issues of the day? and the many other ways to be a voice for the voiceless? Take time to do this, it is well worth your time. Remember everyone and every living thing on the planet needs you to speak for them when they can't.  

Tonight for our meditation we will use this pattern to  meditate and pray with:   Tonight we will focus our prayers on being connected one to another and with God's Cathedral of  life. Use your mouse and enter at the bottom. Take your time and breathe. Take your time to think about how you may speak up for the voiceless ones! 

As you pray and take this night's journey with this labyrinth take your time to find your way into the center and on your way out. Don't forget to take time for holy pause int the center. 
Here is tonight's meditation music: Enya-The Celts or Anuna Mix 

God you have reminded us that we are precious, help us to convey this to all the voiceless ones.
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak.

God you have reminded us that we are to be a forever and eternal family and as we are this we need to lovingly respond to the need of our family members. 
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak.

God you teach us many things day by day. May we remember that we are each other's keeper.
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak.

God you love us unconditionally through and through. May we find the way to do this and model your example. May we have courage to speak the words I love you with warm hearts and light in our eyes.
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak. 

God we pray for all who are ill and seeking healing. We pray and give thanks for healing that has already taken place. May we speak up for our family members who may not know how to advocate for themselves.
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak.

God we pray for ourselves and on behalf of others remembering especially_____________
May we lift up our voices with strength and loving compassion for those who cannot speak.

Jesus we come to you with our voices united in prayer for peace and lift up these our petitions and prayers in your Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! You matter! You are a gift from God! Remember your soul and your heart home shine brightly with love every day!

With love and my heart home filled with warmth for each of you my dear family,


A poem from George  Herbert

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