Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The 9th Ripple Edge ! We pray for God's Cathedral of Life and to be Good Stewards of it!

Dear Family of  Love !

Rejoice! We have officially returned to the prayer walking route! Today I did the Whole Holy 3 route! Yes that route and it felt so good to be back in God's Cathedral of Life which is Ripple Edge 9 on our journey towards God, being with God, and becoming one with God and each other. Remember here are the Ripple Edge reminders for this time of meditation and prayer. Tonight I have combined the prayers with the ripple edges. 

Gracious and loving God help us as we lay these petitions on our hearts, minds, and in our heart homes let us be resolved as we pray  this night and always that:

We will pray for God's Cathedral of life and that we may be good stewards of the earth.
May we strive not to waste its precious resources and respect the dignity of every living being including animals, vegetation, minerals. and water the most precious resource of all. We remember and pray for any concern that troubles our hearts about the precious and fragile ecosystems in which we live, move, and just be especially___________________, I pray this night for an end to the denial of climate change and that we may take this seriously and find ways to be reverent in God's Cathedral of Life.

We will  pray for peace in the world and that we may be peace makers. We pray for an end to violence and terror and animosity among all our brothers and sisters. We pray that we may become peacemakers and be honored and called Children of God. We pray particularly for_________________

We will pray and  remember all those who have died and those who are mourning. We pray for those who have died on roadways, air, in acts of senseless violence, and those whose time was set by you O, God. We pray for all who are in mourning and are newly grieving losses of any kind. 

We will pray remember and pray that we may acknowledge the sacredness of life and that each day is holy. We know that Sunday isn't the only holy day of the wee but everyday . We pray that we may acknowledge the sacredness of life and love.

 We will pray for all children that they may be protected from harm. We pray that children will be as protected as our natural resources and know that they are the future who are living among us in the here and now. We pray that they may be treasured, loved, and respected. We pray for an end to abuse, bullying, and anything that robs children of healthy childhoods.

We  will pray for strong bonds of love and friendship among all faith communities. May we lovingly learn from each other. May we stand together when we are being persecuted by those who do not know the true roots and beliefs of our faiths. We pray that we may all seek to speak truth to power for all those who are being cast down because of their beliefs.

We will pray for peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits as we prepare for the week ahead.
We pray for all clergy and lay leaders and the congregations that are in preparation for the most holy week of the year. We pray that we may begin to prepare for our journey yet again through Jerusalem, the Upper room, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Pavement, The Way of Sorrows, The Cross, The Tomb, and the Empty Tomb. May we follow Jesus, His Disciples, family and friends as we join them on their journey. Do you hear Christ's invitation to Walk With Me On Our Journey?

 We will pray for all those who are ill and those who are in need of healing. We pray that they may have courage and patience to wait during the healing process. We pray and give thanks for caregivers and medical teams that help in the healing and care of all your ill children. We remember this day especially those who are ill in body, mind, and  spirit especially those who have asked us to pray and those whom you have lain upon our hearts_____________________

 We will pray for all the least of these and that we may lovingly respond to their needs.
We pray for the homeless, the hungry, the refugees and the outcast. We  pray for safety for all who are in danger and living outdoors and unprotected. We pray that we may have their backs and lovingly help them . May we  think outside the box and find ways in which to help them and ultimately help ourselves.  May we always remember that we are indeed the least of these and family members.

We add our additional prayers and thanksgivings that God has put on our hearts this day remembering_______________

Jesus, receive these our prayers in your Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones!  Remember to take care of yourselves for this is Take Care Tuesday as well! I love you and give God thanks for you this night and always!

With Love and blessings!


Illumination- Peaceful Gregorian chants

If you want to try something  open both tabs and layer Living Waters with Illumination for 1:06 it will give you a deep and meaningful experience.

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