Sunday, March 8, 2015

The pond is quiet and on Sabbath Rest and so should all of us be.

Dear Family of Love,

Tonight the pond is quiet and on Sabbath Rest and so should all of us be. At least one day a week we owe God and ourselves to take a rest from doing labor of any kind. I know that it isn't easy but it must be done in order for us all to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Tonight if  you haven't taken a rest time I invite you to do so. Let's begin to go deeper into the center and find peace of mind. Remember our breathing exercises? Let us do this  for a little while and if you fall asleep that is perfectly fine. 
Here is our meditative music for this evening: Vangelis -Mythodea orVangelis -El Greco
Take time to unwind
Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Think of how restful your body, mind, and spirit is.
As you become aware of how restful your body is give thanks to God for this.
As you become aware of your heartbeat take time to notice and give thanks to God for this.
As you become aware of  how your muscles feel take time to give thanks to God for this.
As you  become aware of your hands give thanks to God for all the things your hands can do.
Become aware of what your feet do everyday and why it is important to keep your legs and feet healthy.
Become aware of every part of your body and Give thanks to God for them.

Now as you awaken begin to pray for the many concerns you have on your heart and mind tonigh
Tonight we are doing freestyle prayers that we can personalize and make our own. 

As the ripples in the pond are quiet, our prayers and thanksgivings never are.

Suggested framework for tonight's Prayers and Thanksgivings:

Begin with God
Our neighbors and family members.
Our enemies and those who wish us harm
Peace in the world and an end to violence and terror.
People traveling.
Our family members who are homeless, hungry, and ill-clad.
Faith communities.
For sound governance.
For those who are ill in body, mind, and spirit.
For those in mourning
For those who are dying or have died.
For seasonable weather

After you pray you may do the ripple and labyrinth exercise or you may combine the two. For the ripples start at the center and work outwards. and for the labyrinth start from the opening and then into the center. Use your mouse for the pointer.

Gracious God, we thank you for this time of meditation, prayer, and holy journeying. May we seek times of Sabbath Rest and renewal and find ourselves more deeply connected with you and each other. All this we ask in Jesus' most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! May you rest and become renewed for You Matter Monday!Take time for more Sabbath Rest tonight! I give God Thanks for you this night and always!

With love and prayers for you, our family members and all whom we love,


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