Sunday, March 22, 2015

Time for a holy pause between the ripple edges and ripples in the pond

Dear Family of  Love!

As you know Sundays in Lent are considered pauses in our Lenten observance. This is necessary because we all need to have a break where we can find balance again and then take up the challenges that Lent gives us. So tonight I invite you to relax and enjoy a holy pause and find balance before we take time to go back to the ripple's edge and move closer to God and each other. Remember when we draw closer to God we also are drawn closer to each other by the bonds of love and family-hood. So as we take this holy pause let us enjoy the quiet without any music. Listen to your heart, room, and the music your home makes. Can you hear the sounds of the outdoors from inside your home? Take time to enjoy the peace and quiet! If you have a busy home go into the garage and sit in the car without the motor running! 

Now while you enjoy the quiet please pray for the 7 ripple edges that we have been using this week. Tonight, we will take a holy pause from written prayers. Be rest assured that we will have them tomorrow. Use your hearts and own words to form the prayers.  Just a reminder as to what the ripple edges we have prayed for on our journey closer to God and each other are:

7. We will remember all those who have died and those who are mourning.
6. We will remember and pray that we may acknowledge the sacredness of life and that each day is holy.
5 We will pray for children that they may be protected from harm.
4. We will pray for strong bonds of love and friendship among all faith communities.
3.We will pray for peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits as we prepare for the week ahead.
2. We will pray for all those who are ill and those who are in need of healing.

 1.We pray for all the least of these and that we may lovingly respond to their needs.

Now listen to this brief clip of the brook at Sycamore mineral Springs today.

Good night Dear Ones! I love you and hope you know that you matter and deserve times of quiet and rest. This is my gift to you this night and every night on the Sabbath. 

I love you and may God bless you this night and always,


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