Sunday, April 12, 2015

New Beginnings and Renewal.

Dear Family of Love!

Well we have made it through the first week of Easter and I hope for you it was one of contemplation and newness and new beginnings! I think of Easter as our time of new starts and new growth. It is the Springtime for our bodies, minds, and spirits. We may find ourselves after Lent becoming aware that we have gone back to old habits and or have old habits that have gone away. Lots to take in and discover. I still think that Lent isn't the end but the beginning of newness. Easter gives us time to feed our new habits, lives, and spirits and seek nourishment from God and God's love.  We all need to seek nourishment from God's Word, Jesus' life, the Love of God, the love of neighbor, and love for each other, and love of ourselves. Love, mercy , and Forgiveness are the ingredients that we need to make these things happen. Tonight let us meditate upon Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness and remind ourselves who we are and whose we are. Take your time and may you find going deep into the center a place of peace and harmony. May you hear God's voice speaking to you. 

Here is tonight's meditation music.John Rutter Mix 

Jesus banish our doubts so that we may believe and know that you not only rose from the dead but entered into our forgiven hearts with love. May our hearts and heart homes be ever widened to include the ability to love more and more fully.

Jesus take away our fears that bind us so that we may be ever drawn more closely to you.

Jesus, give us the strength and courage to speak for the voiceless and invisible.

Jesus, we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing. We pray especially for_____

Jesus, we pray for those who are facing many struggles this week that they may find peace, joy, hope,love, and a spirit of calm. 

Jesus, we pray for our family members who are in need of prayer  especially for ____________

Jesus, keep our hearts open to new possibilities and new lives and new loves.

Jesus, banish all those who have hardness of heart and who do not know how to love family members who differ from themselves.

Jesus help us when we need to be focused and not distracted this week. Give us energy and banish fatigue. 

Jesus we pray for all those who have chronic illnesses of body, mind, and spirit.

Jesus we lift up these our prayers to you in your most holy name. Amen.

Collect/ Prayer for the Second Sunday of Easter- From the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER

Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ's Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen 


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Take time for more self and Sabbath Care tonight as we approach You Matter Monday!  I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

Love to the brim and overflowing!


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