Monday, April 27, 2015

What is it about Mondays? Our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits are being challenged. Remember it is You Matter Monday!

Dear Family of Love, 

What is it about Mondays? Our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits are being challenged it seems on most Monday's these days. We all need to prayerfully regain our senses as we enter into a new week. This isn't the easiest thing to do when situations like Baltimore, Nepal, ISIS, and all kinds of hate, violence, and discord are continuing to come into play. We also need to include terrible natural disasters that are occurring at an alarming rate on both hemispheres. What do we do? What don't we do? How do we do it? These are our points to ponder this night and for the remainder of the week.

What do we do? 

We pray
We take time to educate ourselves on the many issues surrounding racism.
We practice peaceful non-violence
We pray
We love our neighbors and family members more fully and unconditionally. Remember please these may be our adversaries, enemies, and the stranger and alien in our company.
We give generously
We pray 
We speak lovingly with gentle voices 
We listen with the ear of the heart
We recognize that everyone matters!

What don't we do?

Treat our family members as invisible and that they don't matter.
Incite violence
Post or Tweet items that are not of an educational or positive nature.
Post things that are from non-factual sources
Get into arguments with family members who just don't get it.

How do we do it?

With God's help.
With Jesus as our role model
With the Guidance of the Holy Comforter/Spirit.
With courage
With love
With peace in our hearts
With thought and more thought before we take action.
Without violence
With kind words of encouragement.and using I messages and loving words and tone of voice.

Please take time to meditate on the above items and listen to tonight's musical selection. Remember if you don't like tonight's selection you may choose your own. 

Walking the Sacred Path -Dan Schutte Beyond the Moon and Stars

Gracious and loving God we your children are being challenged each and every day with all the tender cares of the world. Please help us to be peacemakers with you that we may lovingly encircle this fragile world of  yours. Let us be knit together in the bonds of love and unity.

We pray this night for Baltimore and all our cities that are experiencing racial  tension. We pray that peaceful non-violent protest will become the order of the day. We pray for holy listening and that calm and peace may prevail. 

We continue to pray for our family members in Nepal. We remember especially our family members who lost their lives and  those who mourn. We pray and give thanks for all those who are coming to the aid and we pray continually for their safety.

We pray for all of our family members who are near the volcanoes in Chile that they may be safe from harm. 

We pray for our family members who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. We remember especially those who are living with mental illness and haven't a place to live. We pray for Broadway Brad who doesn't have a home tonight and pray for Buena Vista Vince wherever he may be.

We pray for all who are mourning any loss this day. 

We pray for listening hearts so that we may hear your call to serve and where you are directing our feet.

We give thanks this day for our many blessings that you have given us.

We pray these our additional prayers for ourselves and on behalf of others_________________

Jesus accept these our prayers and thanksgivings in your Name as we lay them lovingly in your arms as the Good Shepherd of we your sheep. Amen.

Good Night Dear Ones! Take time to tell everyone who matters to you this night that you love them. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always!

With love and prayers for a peaceful night in your hearts, heart homes and minds,


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