Sunday, June 28, 2015

Love, Kindness, Grace, and Equality: Tonics for good health in body, mind, and spirit.

Good Evening Dear Family of Love!

I love you and hope you all are having a blessed Sunday! Did you take time for Self Care and Sabbath care these past few days? I hope so ! It isn't always easy to do this, yet we must. Our physical, mental, and spiritual health is very important. We need to take care of ourselves and each other. This goes along with all of the topics that we have been meditating upon the past few days. Love, Kindness, Equality, and Grace are the tonics that help us heal and be healthy. You may wonder why I included equality? I included equality because equality reminds us that being equal helps us to be in harmony and balance with each other. When our family members aren't fully included and balanced with human rights none of us are. God seeks for us equilibrium for us in all aspects of living.  This also applies to our impoverished family members who struggle to find services, jobs, and a healthy sense of well being.  Equilibrium/Equality helps everyone live well, love well, be well, act well, and live graceful and grace-filled lives. When these elements are denied  to any member of our family we are all denied them. So we begin in earnest of being healthy in body,mind, spirit. Each day we must strive to be loving, be kind, include and be in harmony with each other, and live in God's grace. It's just that simple ! Nothing fancy ! We must endeavor to get back to the basics Jesus truly taught us and teaches us daily: Love, serve the least of these, care for one another, be merciful, be kind, be forgiving, be a family member, be a friend, be a person who listens and thinks outside the box, be a person who shares, be a person who is ready to care for the Samaritan in your life and s/he may be an enemy or wish you harm. We aren't let off the hook! I don't wan't to be let off the hook  do you? Let's meditate on the words  Love, Kindness, Grace, and Equality tonight. I think you will find that when you take time to be at prayer and focus on these four words, just as we did in Advent with Love, Joy,Hope, and Peace these words and what they do and are will come alive with in each of you at least I hope so! This is always good to do prior to You Matter Monday!

Let us listen these musical pieces prior to our going deeper :

Gather Us In

Voices that Challenge

The Summons

Set your timer for the time you need! Be at peace while you do this.

Now that we are finished doing this let us be at prayer.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality we pray for all who seeking you who have troubled hearts and spirits.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for all of our family members who are having a tough time accepting our brothers and sisters with whom they differ.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for all of our family members who are lacking, shelter, clothing, and nourishing food.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for all our troubled youth who are estranged from their families. We pray especially for our LGBTQ youth who are in great danger emotionally, physically, and spiritually we pray for their health and well being that they may find a safe place to fall and shelter.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for all of us who are being denied social services for some reason or other.We pray that these oppressive and unjust acts may be remedied.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality ,we pray for all refugees all over the world and those who are struggling to find a home safe from harm and a safe harbor from violence, terror, and abuse.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray that we may be the voice for the voiceless and that we may speak truth to power and do as you commanded us in the words of the Prophet Micah to "Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God!"

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for peace in body, mind, and spirit, and in this fragile world.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we pray for the healing of your planet and its resources that are endangered. We pray for clean air, water, and the soil. We pray daily for God's Cathedral of life that are challenged. May be rise and accept the challenge to care for the planet you created.

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality we pray for_______________________

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality we give thanks for___________________

God of Love,Kindness, Grace, and Equality, we lift up these our prayers in Jesus Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you and Give God Thanks for you this night and always!

With Love, Joy, Hope, Blessings, Prayers,  and Peace!


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