Saturday, June 20, 2015

Love! That is all!

Dear Family of  Love,

Happy Self-Care Saturday. Today at Triennial has been a full day and I have been awake since 6;00 a.m. and it seems that I like being awakened to bird song and the sound of the creek babbling like a brook.  God is surely in the place. We are shining the light of Christ, learning to love more fully, and be able to let go of many things. We are a family in every sense of the word. Today we started off having breakfast early, then the opening Eucharist with the sounding of the the shofar, did I tell you that I'm on the Altar Guild Committee? This is like setting up for the biggest 8:00 a.m. service you have ever seen. Everything went well and it was truly amazing to be a part of this big service and feel the love and excitement. We had a brief break afterward and then on to business. The highlight of our day were the talks by The Reverend Canon Andrew White the Vicar of Baghdad and his stories about working in Iraq, Amman, and the Middle East.  Lots to tell but the one thing he did say and that I keep imparting to you is that Love is the Key to the solutions of all this violence and hate. I will share with you in the coming days many of the things  Canon White shared with us.

Tonight we set  our hearts on  Love! That is all !

Gracious God inflame our hearts with love  for all of our family members and even our enemies.

Gracious God inspire us to use love as the  healing balm that helps and doesn't hurt.

Gracious God help us to start loving ourselves and  stop taking ourselves and our family members for granted.

Gracious God give is strength to love even in the face of adversity.

Gracious God we pray that love will be the force to drive away all hate from all those who choose to bully, abuse, and hate. 

Gracious God send loving warmth and comfort to those who are grieving and pre- grieving.

Gracious God we pray that love and peace may prevail upon earth.

Gracious God  be our light out of darkness so that we may shine with your brightness.

Gracious God  set our hearts on Love! That is all!

In the name of God who is Love, Jesus who is our redeemer, and The Holy Spirit the Holy Comforter. Amen.

Gracious God set our hearts on Fire with Love! That is all!


Good Night Lovies ! I love you ! That is all!

With love and more of it!


What does the Lord Require

Ubi Caritas

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