Thursday, June 18, 2015

Time to check in and spend some time with you! I hope you feel welcome and included here! I love you!

Dear Family of  Love,

I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful day and that you remembered that it is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. Today I'm thankful for sturdy legs and a good set of lungs here at Zermatt due to the altitude. The prayer walking  has been very important to ensure success so far. Tomorrow I will be a DOK Hostess from 9 until 1 welcoming our new arrivals at the airport directing them towards the bus and The Transportation Network vans. I get to put on my best welcoming spirit which isn't too difficult. No I'm not going to do a Tattoo and Mr. Roark from Fantasy Island imitation. A good question for all of us tonight is - How Welcoming a person am I and How should I make our family members feel welcome?  Let's ponder these questions as part of tonight's meditation.  Do you feel welcome reading this? I hope so! You are welcome here and this is your soft place to fall. You are to feel when you read this blog, like you are putting on comfortable and secure shoes and like you are being enveloped in a warm loving hand made quilt. Tonight let us do our breathing exercises, virtual labyrinth, and prayers. 

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love,

Inhale the Holy Spirit.
Exhale Love

Inhale the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love

Be Still and Know that I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still

Please do this 3 times.

Here is tonight's Labyrinth Walk

God of Loving Kindness, we pray for the people of Charleston, South Carolina and  members of Mother Emanuel  African Methodist Episcopal Church as they grieve and the precious lives who lost their lives.

God of Loving Kindness, we pray for a good night's sleep so that we may awaken refreshed.

God of  Loving Kindness, we pray for peace in the world and in our hearts and minds.

God of Loving  Kindness, we pray for an end to all the places affected by violence.

God of Loving Kindness, be with all of the young people who are out of school this Summer.

God of  Loving Kindness , be with all those who grieve any loss no matter how big or small.

God of Loving Kindness, we pray for all who are ill that they may be healed according to your will.

God of Loving Kindness, we pray for all who are the least of these that we may truly be their  family and show them loving care.

God of  Loving Kindness take away from us all worries and anxieties and any thing that separates us from you O, God.

God of Loving Kindness we pray for_________________________

God of Loving Kindness, we give thanks for___________________

Accept these our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Loved ones! I love you and give God thanks for you this day and always.

With love,


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