Monday, June 8, 2015

We prayer walked tonight and it was the Whole Holy #3! Meditating, listening, and praying at time in conversation with God.

Dear Family of  Love!

Happy You Matter Monday! You do know that you matter to God, each other, me, and I hope you matter to yourself? If you don't matter to you how are you going to love you, God, and all our family members/neighbors on the planet? Remember everyday we matter and love is at the core of this no matter what. Being loving and making others feel like they matter is important in making everyday holy and intentional. Please remember this and don't take anyone for granted or mistreat them. Tonight we are going to do the same breathing exercises and meditation technique we did yesterday and this time we will ad music afterwards. 

 Tonight let us reboot our bodies, minds, and spirits by first taking time to do our breathing exercises:

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

 Say and Repeat the following:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know
Be still

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Say and Repeat the following:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know
Be still

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit

Exhale love.

Say and Repeat the following:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know
Be still

3 cycles of these are designed to calm, quiet, and reboot your energy and spirits.
Tonight I suggest that we will use music to feed our souls in a slightly different manner than we did last evening.  Vaughan Williams -A Pastoral Symphony

Now let us turn our minds and spirits and enter into a time of conversation with and listening to God.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.

Help us to listen as we pray to you in silence and intently listen for your still small voice. 

God , we lay down all our burdens and anything that keeps us from uniting our hearts, minds, and spirits  with you at this present time.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight?  Pause and be silent.

Help us to be truly peacemakers and your beloved children.

God we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world.

God we pray this night for all who are in hospice and who are transitioning into eternal joy and light and those who have made their journey to the Thin Places today.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.

Help us to be lovingly compassionate to all who mourn and those of us who are on grief's long journey into light and new life with daily new normals.

God we pray for all who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. 

Help us to lovingly respond to their needs and be sources of comfort and good listening.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.

God  we pray for all who are seeking justice and inclusion and universal human rights.

Help us to be the voices for the voiceless, speak truth to power, and never treat our family members as invisible.

God we pray for the least of these our family members who are lacking safe shelter, nourishing food, ans warm clothing.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.

God we pray for all who are refugees, prisoners, captives, victims of violence, terror, abuse,and human trafficking. We pray that you'll keep all of our family members safe from harm and turn the minds and hearts  of those who seek to do violence towards love, respect, and mercy.

Help us to foster unity at every level of our  being.

God we pray for a renewal of your creation and that all natural resources may be conserved, preserved, and all animals may be loved, cared fore and preserved. We thank you for your Cathedral of Life which sustains us and gives us many blessings  and abundance.

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.

We pray for especially________________________

We give thanks for ___________________________

We celebrate ________________________________

We remember________________________________

We lift up these our prayers and this time of listening to your beloved son Jesus. Amen.

And one final time this evening  we meditate on this phrase:

God what do you have to tell us at the deepest core of our being tonight? Pause and be silent.


Good Night Lovely Family! I love you! May you have a blessed and restful night! Enjoy this time of quiet. Don't forget to go off the grid early! I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

Love, joy, hope, peace, and blessings,


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