Monday, December 14, 2015

#AdventWord #Accept - Hash Tags With Meaning: Day 16 of our Advent Adventure

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Advent Adventure

Happy You Matter Monday! I hope you all are well and trying to keep your seasonal stress level down. Tonight's #AdventWord is #Accept. I'm reminded when I see the word accept  the words of the Serenity Prayer come flooding into my mind. Here they are for a refresher course:

To #Accept means that we get to venture into acts of the courageous, unconditional love, and yes even going outside the box from time to time without having to place our minds ever so deeply rooted in unhealthy thoughts and feelings. When I accepted you into my family I did so unconditionally with love. When I accepted the fact that I had colon cancer I decided to not play the sick victim.Our #AdventWord #Accept figures prominently in our Baptismal Covenant. As we all know acceptance isn't always the easiest thing we have to do. It require from us a lot of prayer, meditation, and Love Energy to accomplish it. It also requires us to be more solid with our faith and relationship with God. Acceptance uses the same energy and courage we use in Loving God, Loving our Neighbors/Family Members, and Ourselves. Tonight as we begin our time of meditating on today's #AdventWord Let us look back towards the many #AdventWords we have had so far and look ahead towards tomorrow. Tonight we ask ourselves the following:
Do I love and accept myself warts and all?
Can I love and accept my brothers and sisters who differ from me with CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy)?
Do I accept freely or begrudgingly?
What are the things in the Serenity Prayer that I need to work on?

We light our virtual prayer vigil  candle tonight in loving memory of our family members who died at Sandy Hook and the loved ones who continue to mourn their loss and all of our family members who have been victims of gun violence and terror. Let us light our candles and be at prayer.

God's invitation to live out the #AdventWords we have had so far.

God of CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love and Mercy) enliven  us to follow the #AdventWords as a call to action.

#WakeUp Children! I need you to show your CALM presence to my fragile and broken world.

#Proclaim the Good News to all whom you meet and don't be afraid to show it with deeds and not so many words!

#Forgive and love your family members and yes even yourselves. Remember they might just be your enemies and hate you.

#Repent and make your way back to me  Remember this is an ongoing and  life changing experience.

#Worship in all my sacred spaces even if they are in war torn areas and even in a place where you don't call your church home. Your prayers are still heard in synagogue, mosque, temple, the forest, school room, and a courthouse. The world I created is Sanctuary and holy.

#Believe and know that I love you and yes believe it when I said I love all my children not just some.

#Care for the least of these! If you don't know who the least of these are just look around!

#Be- stop glorifying the holiday busy-ness and spend some time in relationship with Me.

#Surprise me by thinking outside the box and color outside the lines when getting to know your brothers and sisters of other faiths and races.

#Ask not what I can do for you, Ask what you can do for me and get rid of the gimme, gimme, gimmes.

#Dare to be challenged to serve me and find loving  ways to break open the hearts of those who are hateful and enemies. Use love and Love Energy as your tools.

#Shine the my light through you to our family members and to the world. Carry my light at all times even when you yourself may need it the most.

#Wait when I tell you to wait, and don't be afraid to do it.

#Wonder is an important ingredient to have within you. It will give your life excitement and meaning. Remember the sunsets I paint? Look to them in #Wonder!

#Accept our family members where they are , who they are, and as they are. Accept with love and without condition. 

Child of mine may these hash tags with meaning be your guide to living a better life in this world, serving me, and loving everyone this day and always. Amen.

Here are the two blogs I wrote last year and I think they are apropos to the season and conditions in which we are living this day.  They have the supplemental prayers.

A Voice Was Heard.............

How do we stand together during these times of heartache?


Good Night Dear Family! I love you ! I hope you all have a restful and peaceful night! May the God of Compassion, Acceptance, Love and Mercy enfold you in God's gentle and warm arms this day and always. I Give God thanks for you every day. Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday. Let us take care of ourselves so that we may take care of others.

With love, joy, hope, and peace,


Music tomorrow!

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