Sunday, December 13, 2015

#AdventWord #Wonder Hash Tags with Meaning: Day 15 On our Advent Adventure!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Advent Journey,

Happy Self Care and Sabbath Rest Sunday! We have reached the penultimate Sunday of Advent and are closing in on the feast of our Lord's incarnation. This time of year we sometimes forget to take time and appreciate the #Wonder of Christ's incarnation and especially the events leading up to it. Our story starts with Mary being called by God to Conceive and Bear Jesus and being sent this strange, wonderful, wonder-filled and yes a little bit disconcerting news by the Archangel Gabriel. I don't know about you but I would have been scared and wondered if I had eaten some moldy Challah when this occurred. We know that Mary said yes. Joseph is the one tough nut that almost lost it but God was able to convince him that everything was going to be just fine. Joseph was and is our model for being able to adapt to many changes at a rapid pace in a few short months. I'll bet Joseph wondered about how everything was going to work out. I don't think Thomas was the only doubter, I'm sure Joseph had plenty. We see Mary going on a trip to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was carrying John the Baptist. I wonder what family gatherings were like when the boys were growing up. Cousins are often a strange brew! Can you imagine the stories that Zechariah and Joseph swapped? I wonder if what was going through their minds collectively. Mary and Elizabeth were pros at strange visitations. We see Joseph finding out that he must go to Bethlehem to be enrolled with Mary. I wonder how we'd act if all of us had to pull up stakes and journey back to our ancestral locality? Where would that be? I'll tell you we'd have to be solid in our knowledge of genealogy. That brings us back to Do as in Do, re, mi! Lots of wondering and wonder. What things give you Joy and Wonder? Where do we see the words "Joy and Wonder " linked together? These are questions that only our souls can answer.  The last question comes from the prayer in the service of Holy Baptism in the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER and  here it is:

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy
Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the
forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of
grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them
an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to
persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy
and wonder in all your works. Amen.

Here are a few pieces of music that contain our #AdventWord #Wonder, let's listen to them before we meditate on today's #AdventWord #Wonder.

Welcome All Wonders

O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair!

I Wonder as I Wander

Tonight let our minds wander as we wonder about our #AdventWord #Wonder and take a peek into our next #AdventWord ______________

O God of Wonder Let us Light a candle and be at prayer for the peace and reconciliation of the world. 

God as we look to you in wonder of your creation and your coming down from Heaven and becoming one of us in the form of Jesus. Help us to regain our footing and see wonder every day.

God as we look to you in wonder give us we pray the courage to think outside the box and stretch our imaginations and minds to accept new a ha moments in getting to know you more fully.

God as we look to you in wonder we pray for all of our family members who are seeking to find cures for the many diseases and medical treatments for those who are ill and chronically ill.
We pray for our family members who are ill especially_________________________.

God as we look to you in wonder we pray that you will make our hearts tender so that we may care for the least of these. 

God as we look to you in wonder we pray that we may rise to the challenge and be your children and peacemakers.

God as we look to you in wonder we pray that we may be conservationists of your Cathedral of Life.

God as we look to you in wonder help us to make our hearts open to your call to serve and minister.

God give us the courage and Love Energy to Show Love, Bring Joy, Make Peace, and Instill Hope to this your fragile and broken world. 

We pray for__________________

We give thanks for______________

God as we look to you in wonder we lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen.


Here are optional prayers from yesterday's anniversary blog.

Gentle God of Love ,who knits us together as a family may we find ourselves not alone but together as one family united in love, joy, peace, and hope.

Gentle God of Love ,we pray for all of our family members who are struggling this time of year by situations beyond their control. May we reach out to them with love and understanding and that they may reach in and find a loving and kind hand of help.

Gentle God of Love, we pray for all of our family members who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. May we  have patience to minister and care for them. We remember especially those living with mental and memory illnesses.  Lord watch over all of your children who have chosen to be invisible. Protect them from harm and self harm. 

Gentle God of Love, we pray for all who are refugees, the tortured, captive, victims of any kind of violence and human trafficking. We pray that peace may prevail upon this your fragile and broken world.

Gentle God of Love, give us courage to stand with the voiceless and those who are seeking universal human rights and acceptance. 

Gentle God of Love, come into our hearts and soothe those places where there is pain and anxiety. Banish fear and replace in us love,courage, kindness, and compassion.

Gentle God of Love, we pray for all those who work in food banks, agriculture, and all agencies that help feed the hungry. We pray that all food and water will be safe and healthy to eat. We pray also for all who are homeless and out in the cold and are shelter challenged (Those who live in cars). Help us to shelter the homeless, feed those who hunger, and clothe those who haven't any warm clothing to wear.

Gentle God of Love, we pray for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones and especially spouses. May we with you show them love, compassion, and comfort.

Gentle God of Love, be with those who are dying and those who have made the journey into the Thin Places today.

Gentle God of Love , as we prepare to celebrate Jesus's coming into the world may we be empowered to be beacons of hope, joy, love, and peace to all.

Gentle God of Love, we pray these our prayers and those who have been requested by our family members remembering especially________________. We ask these prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus our brother, friend, teacher, redeemer, healer, and reconciler. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night! I give thanks to God for you always. Tomorrow is You Matter Monday! Take time to make someone's day by giving them positive and life affirming strokes. You Matter to God, You Matter to Me, You Matter to Each other, I hope you Matter to yourselves!

With love, joy, hope, and peace,


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