Thursday, December 3, 2015

#AdventWord #Repent Hash Tags with Meaning: Day 5 of our Advent Adventure

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday!  Wow here we go again with the name calling, finger pointing, and general nastiness in Social Media. Every time we find ourselves in the midst of yet another act of senseless violence we find our insides being twisted and our emotions being tossed and turned. This isn't good for us as people of faith and our bodies,minds, and spirits either. Tonight's #AdventWord is #Repent. What does the word repent mean to you, to me , and to our family members?  It means a change of heart, mind, and spirit. We must do this daily and this also means getting rid of hate and fear out of our lives. Each time we react to all these weekly no , daily acts of violence wherever thy come from we have been silently drawn into the hate and fear mill. Not a good thing and certainly not befitting a person of faith. God does not want us to act like this or be like this. So starting tonight let us turn our attention to the Worry/ Sabbath box, jar, or journal a day early. Let's write and get our fears, hates, and worries out. Let us repent and have our hearts return to the way God wants us to be so that we may be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) Take your time. Don't forget to do your breathing exercises.

Remember our #AdventWord is #Repent let us see what our next word is:

Take a close look at the first letter of the first set of the second word and see what is being inhaled and exhaled.

Inhale Compassion,
Exhale Hatred

Inhale Acceptance
Exhale Antis

Inhale Love
Exhale Terror

Inhale Mercy
Exhale Enmity

Inhale Compassion
Exhale Cooperation

Inhale Acceptance
Exhale Assimilation

Inhale Love
Exhale Love Energy

Inhale Mercy
Exhale Mindfulness

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know
Be still

Let us light a candle and be at prayer

God we sit here in the quietness asking you to help quiet our nerves that seem to find themselves getting wound up when tragedy of an unspeakable nature occurs.

God we sit here in the quietness writing our fears, hates, worries, and all the bad things that we have thought or done today.

God we sit here in the quietness asking for forgiveness and help in repenting of those things that we name that are in our hearts and minds___________________

God we sit here in the quietness and pray for our enemies and those who wish us harm. We remember also their families who may be in tough situations because of the actions of their loved ones.

God we sit here before you in your awesome and loving presence that we may turn our hearts on fire with compassion,acceptance, love, and mercy towards all of our family members.

God we sit here before you to pray for all victims of violence and their loved ones who mourn their loss.

God we sit here before you to pray for the least of these our family members remembering refugees, widows, orphans, strangers, homeless, hungry, ill-clad, elderly, children, women, victims of human trafficking! God we are the least of these. 

God we sit here before you as we look at this image  of your only begotten son, so that we know why we repent.

God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit change our hearts, minds, spirits, and actions so that we may be on fire to do your work, shine your light, and love to a fragile and broken world. Amen.

Here is the old Advent Cycle of Prayer we used two years ago.

Help us to wait patiently again on you God and the plans you are setting before us.
Come thou long expected Jesus

Help us to give all our worries, anxieties, and all our live's baggage to you God, so that we may be free to worship you without fear but with a clean heart and on fire to serve you.
Come thou long expected Jesus

Help us to see are homeless, hungry, lonely, outcast and the least of these this season as we see Jesus, ,Joseph, and the Blessed Virgin Mary every year in the manger. When ever we see some one living out doors help us to remember and pray for them.
Come thou Long Expected Jesus

God our protector, watch over those who are traveling and are on any kind of journey, keep them safe  where ever they may be. 
Make ours and their pathways straight as we journey on towards you  and throughout this season and always.

We pray for ______________________________________
Give them comfort Lord.

We give thanks this day______________________________
Shine in our hearts with gladness.

We remember all those who reside in the Thin Places______________________

We pray especially for women, children, and all those who are vulnerable.
Comfort ye my people.

We pray for the aging, sick, and those in any health care facility. We also pray for medical professionals and caregivers.
Comfort ye my people

We pray for our family members near and far. Help us to love them more and more.
Shine in our hearts with overflowing streams of living water and love.

All this we ask in the name of God the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Amen.

Good Night Dear Family! If I have said anything hurtful to anyone please forgive me. I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always. Have a restful and peaceful sleep. Repentance and forgiveness are good for our bodies, minds, and spirits.

With love, hope, peace,and joy!


No music tonight but the silence of our hearts in God's presence.

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