Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas with love and thanksgiving from me to you!

Dear Family of Love,

Merry Christmas one and all!

This won't be long but I wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you and your presence in my life. You mean a great deal to me and I hope that each of you feel that we are here to buoy each other up during the good times and bad. Tonight let us look into the eyes of the person next to you and tell them that you love them. I'm telling you here and now that I love you, and that dear ones isn't going to change. So while we have those crazy after Christmas sales let us not forget that we still have Self-Care Saturday and our time of Sabbath Rest.  While we engage in these activities let us remember that God is calling us to care for the least of these. Caring for the least of thee never go away and it our ongoing responsibility to do so. So that is our challenge every day that we live, move, and just be.  
Tonight let us be at prayer but first let us light our candles and remember loved ones who have passed away during holiday time and the least of these our family members!

Let us pray!

Lord God we thank you for the gift of your Son Jesus and his example of unconditional love.

We thank you for the gift of family and especially the gift of this your family of  Love. May we be good examples of how to bring hope, make peace, give joy, and carry your love to a broken world. 

Lord we pray for those who spent Christmas alone. May we reach out to them with a loving and tender touch and remember to connect with them in some way.

We pray for our Troops and their families who may spend Christmases apart.

We give thanks to you God for all the many Christmas Blessings that you bestow upon us not just on Christmas but everyday!

We pray for _______________________

We give thanks for__________________

We celebrate the lives of loved ones who we cannot see any longer______________________

We lay all of our unnecessary stresses, anxieties, worries, and anything else that gets in the way of our daily prayer time with you at your feet knowing that you are handling each of these better than we can.

We pray for our  lonely, lost, homeless, and hungry  family members.and all the least of these.

We remember and pray for all those who have addictions and mental illnesses.

We pray for all our family members who are on the streets tonight without proper shelter especially the Buena Vista Vince's of this world (He was a man who took shelter at a bus stop across from Buena Vista Park. He had his designated spot and goes back and forth from the park to the bus stop. He is no longer there but there are others who have taken his place) Pray for all who are in similar situations.

Lord watch over all of our law enforcement officers and emergency rescue personnel. 

We pray for much needed rainfall. Lord we need it now more than ever. We continue to pray for all areas where there is severe weather and all those who have been affected. 

Help us to see the good in all situations and find positive nuggets.

Give us grace to honor our bodies and get rest this night and may we rest gentle in your arms of love.

We lift up these prayers and thanksgivings to you  O Lord with grateful and humble hearts.Amen.

Lord God, I thank you especially for this my family that they will continue to walk with me on our journey and that they may always know that they are loved, treasured, and that they matter to you and to me. May we continue to be the lights of Hope, Peace Joy, and Love to the world. Amen.


A Blessed Merry Christmas and a to all Family of Love! I love you! Take time to connect with your loved ones and tell them that you love them. I give God thanks for you this day!

With Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace,


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