Wednesday, December 16, 2015

#AdventWord #Invite - Hash Tags with Meaning::Preparing our hearts to invite God in! Time to prepare our heart manger!

Dear Family of Love and Advent Pilgrims,

I hope everyone had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. It has been a cold day here in Santa Maria. Today's #AdventWord is #Invite. Remember we had the #AdventWord #Ask a few days ago? These words are similar but not quite. Ask reminds me of when we want help, things in a casual way or as in a plea. Now the word invite is a more formal way of asking that involves more of a polite tone. God is always inviting us. God invites us to be in relationship, God invites us to be peacemakers and God's family members. God invites us to be forgiving and repenting of our sins. Do we see ourselves in the role of inviter  or invitee ? We see Jesus always doing the inviting and it is always gentle and never forceful. When God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit Invite us to be in relationship with them we should be willing to open our hearts, minds, and souls to the new and enlivening possibilities. Holy invitations require our heart homes to be expanding and filled with CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love and Mercy) What does he word #Invite mean to you ? Look in the dictionary or seek what is in your heart. Tonight let us prepare our hearts to receive God's holy invitation to relationship.
 Let us start by prayerfully pondering our #AdventWord # Invite and  look forward to tomorrow's #AdventWord.

As we invite God into our heart homes tonight let us light a candle and be at prayer:

As we pray these prayers let us respond by saying : Let every heart prepare Him room. 

Dear ones let us be at prayer:

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again our hearts to receive the Christ child with a childlike faith and wonder. 

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again our hearts to become your Family of  God and Love.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to sing out our praises to you in tuneful accord.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to serve the least of these.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to  comfort those who  are ill and that they may receive healing of their bodies, minds, and spirits.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to comfort and lovingly respond to our family members who may be in mourning.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to remember our family members who now reside in the Thin Places this holiday season.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to offer ourselves to your service and in the service of all our family members.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to pray diligently for peace in our hearts and for peace in this world.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to speak truth to power, do justly, love mercifully, and walk humbly with you! May we be the voice  for our voiceless family members.

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to pray for ourselves and our family members daily. We remember especially today______________________

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

God we pray that we will prayerfully and reverently prepare again  our hearts to give thanks this day especially ______________________

Let every heart prepare Him room. 

Lord Jesus Come and accept these prayers in your most holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love!  I love you! May you all have a blessed and restful sleep! I give God thanks for you this night and always! Tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Let our hearts begin to prepare our heart manger to receive Jesus yet again with CALM.

With love, joy, hope, and peace,


Monteverdi Choir- In dulci jubilo

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