Thursday, January 14, 2016

Being thankful for being alive and having had cancer! I canned the cancer and then received cancer's greatest gift.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Yes, I know that cancer has been in the news the past few days with the deaths of  David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and Celine Dion's husband Rene. Cancer sometimes takes one's life but sometimes it brings new life to those who have it and have had it. I give thanks for being alive and having had cancer because it was the alarm bell to get me to take my health and life more seriously. Cancer also taught me many things and I would like to share them with you now.

Cancer Taught me and can teach you:

To love more fully and without fear.

Stop the insanity of hate, bigotry, fear and the like.

Become more rooted in your relationship with God by prayer, meditation, mindfulness and listening.

Walking with God at the time of the evening breeze and anytime.

Develop new ways of being family. If yours doesn't care for you the way that they should choose your new family.

To never take life for granted.

Be better at communicating with people.

Seek and serve God in creative ways.

Allow others to take the lead so that I wouldn't have to.

Be creative in how I approached daily living.

Be better prepared when you travel: Take medical files, copies of prescriptions, if you are traveling with a group designate a temporary agent for your advanced directive, take a copy of  your funeral plans if you have them done.  If you live in the U.S. have at least one prescription on file at Walgreen's because they have a nation-wide computer system and we who use it are in it. So if you become sick away from home you can have prescriptions filled easily.

Bank energy so that you can have enough energy to make right choices in how to live each day.

Not sweat the small stuff.

Ask for help.

Push a negative hard enough and it will become a positive.

Go in stupid and come out smart.

Exercise your body, mind, and spirit.

Find Soulace and solace. 

Find new and exciting ways to become renewed. I chose visiting art galleries, going to concerts, seeing plays, etc. 

Enjoy time in God's Cathedral of Life and Love.

Become and advocate for myself and others.

Discover the magic of new normals.

Remember you have the right to change your life and "You don't have to do things the same way you used to!"

So you see I didn't die but came alive and am Cancer Free! I canned the cancer and received cancer's greatest gift and that was and is a new lease on life and world view that cemented my belief that we are all God's Children and  part of an amazing family of Love. We all are interconnected with each other. When one has cancer we all have the disease and become family. So let us stop the bickering, back biting, hate, obias, bullying, violence, bigotry and the like. They are toxins! Love is the key and the recipe  for  living is being CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful).

Dear ones it is time to light our candles for our Virtual Candlelight Vigil. The candles we light tonight are in honor and memory of  the Newly Diagnosed, Those receiving treatment, Those living with Cancer, Those who are Cancer Free, and Those who have lost their lives battling the disease. We pray for better treatments and cures of the many kinds of cancers. We pray for Medical and Radiation Oncologists, Oncology Nurses, Technicians. Hospice and Palliative care nurses. Family members and care givers and all agencies focusing in on Cancer treatment, patient care, survivorship, and research.

Let us be at prayer!

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing ,we give thanks for our many blessings as we pray to you this night.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for those who are ill and in pain may they be relieved and healed of all suffering of body,mind, and spirit. May they feel you healing and loving balm permeating throughout.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing  give us courage to speak for the voiceless ones and help promote justice for all and respect for every living being on this your fragile planet Earth.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing,  help us to be forgiving and accept the forgiveness of the wrongs that have been done to us and and as we have done to others.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, take our hands, feet, voices, and all our whole beings and make them holy and fit to serve you and the least of these our family members who are in need.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for peace in the world and that wars and enmity may cease and that we may all be of one mind, one heart, one body, one spirit, one family of God and through our sacred family tree through Abraham.  May our branches grow strong and be rooted in you O God who are Love.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing,  we pray this night for all who mourn that they may be comforted.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for all who are dying and those who have died today that they are lovingly being borne into the Thin Places by your most warm and merciful arms. May eternal joy be upon them and through them.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, give us courage to love boldly, fearlessly, and with great joy. May we model our love after you and see you in the eyes of all your children.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing we pray and give thanks especially for__________

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, accept these our prayers with hearts full of love and compassion in the Name of Jesus Your only son. Amen. 

A special wish for us all: May we never cease to be loving, joyful, hopeful, peaceful, thankful ,and thoughtful beacons one to another and to the world around us. 


Good Night Dear Sisters and Brothers of Love! I love you dearly and pray that you may find rest tonight. May you feel God's and my arms lovingly enfolding you and speaking to your heart homes gently and peacefully saying "You are precious and I love you! Do not fear!"  Lean on God and lean on each other for our shoulders as an entire family are wide and strong. 

Love, peace, and joy be always yours,


Tonight's musical selection;

In memory of Alan Rickman

Tavener Song for Athene

Alleluia Alleluia May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest Alleluia Alleluia Remember me, O Lord, when you come into your kingdom Alleluia Alleluia Give rest, O Lord, to your handmaid who has fallen asleep Alleluia Alleluia The Choir of Saints have found the well-spring of life and door of paradise Alleluia Alleluia Life: a shadow and a dream
Alleluia Alleluia Come, enjoy rewards and crowns I have prepared for you. Alleluia Alleluia

Other selections!

Today I Awake

Be Still and Know

Glory to God in the Highest

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