Monday, January 18, 2016

It's You Matter Monday and Martin Luther King Day!

Dear Family of  God and Love! 

Happy You Matter Monday and Martin Luther King Day! I'm still battling the headache but we will persevere. I decided to write the blog a little earlier than usual. It's wonderful time to have You Matter Monday on the sane day as Martin Luther King Day. We all matter in the eyes of God and each other. Take time tonight to listen to Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech and meditate on the his words and the emotions that go with it. Here is the link below:

Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream speech.

Dear Family of God and Love tonight's Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigil is dedicated to all who seek justice and equality for every human being and that we may pray that as in the words of the prophet
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" and also we pray in the words of Isaiah
 "He shall judge between the nations,
    and shall arbitrate for many peoples;
they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
    and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
    neither shall they learn war any more."

In essence we pray that we may be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) people with heart homes filled with love energy to help God by showing love and light to all. 

Here are additional prayers for this evening from last year's blog on Martin Luther King Day!

To begin tonight's meditation let us listen to a few protest songs sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary Mix
Think about what the words of these wonderful songs are saying to you and your heart home
Now let's take time to mediate on what Martin Luther King Jr. and all those who have fought for justice throughout the world.  Who are your favorite protesters?  

Let us pray in the Key of Jesus and Ring the Bells of  El Camino Real for those who fought for  justice, peace, and equality. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for Martin Luther King Jr. and his witness to all of our family members who were longing for justice in this their distant home and land that we take for granted. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for Mahatma Gandhi who taught us how to protest non-violently Help us to follow Your and His Model  and use our words  to make peace and cry out for the voiceless.

We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray  and give thanks for all who gave their lives in the Stonewall riots to help pave the way for LGBTQ rights and the rights of those who are afraid to live authentically. May we see God in each of us who are in the LGBTQ community, who are family, allies, and friends , be enfolded into the mainstream community with out fear and labeling. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for Elizabeth Cady Stanton and all of our sisters who fought for the rights of women so that they would no longer be property but full and perfect members of  society and examples of citizenry to their sons and daughters. We pray that all of our sisters may have full protection and rights securely given them. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for all of our family members who were interned in the Japanese internment camps at Manzanar and Santa Anita. We pray for their contributions to our society and ask for their forgiveness for the wrongs we may have done out of fear and mistrust. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for the witness of all our Native and Indigenous Martyrs who were here in their homelands of origin in this country We pray for forgiveness for the wrongs we have done to them and remember the trail of tears that took them away from places they call home and became refugees in strange and distant lands. We remember this night all of our family members who are refugees. We pray that they may one day return home as You , Mary, and Joseph left Egypt for Nazareth. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for Malala and all children who speak truth to power. We pray for all our children that they may be protected from harm. May all of our youth look to Malala for hope and a role model of what one child can do. We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for Cesar Chavez and all those who fought for the farm worker and for the rights and protection of those who put food on our tables We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for those who have died in the struggle for justice, equality, inclusion, and universal human rights.We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for all the many witnesses that we have not named but you know them all may we remember them now_____________________________We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

Jesus we pray and give thanks for this night especially for ________________________
We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Justice for all of our family members now.

We pray this in the Key of Jesus! Ring out the Bells of Forgiveness,Justice, Peace, Human kindness, and most especially love,  for all of our family members now. We pray this in the name of Jesus who came to unite us in love, forgiveness, and serve to and speak  for  the least of these. Amen. 

Today's wish: My wish for today is that everyone will come together in love, unity, and peace 

From Facebook: Good Morning ! Happy You Matter Monday and MLK Day! I hope everyone takes time to give thanks for the ministry of Martin Luther King and all who have and are striving for justice, equality, inclusion, acceptance, and giving voice to the voiceless. We have a lot of work to do dear family, Hate, extremism of any kind and yes that means extremism on all the spectrum of faith , belief, and division is not the way we need to do it. We must unite as the Children of God that is everyone on the planet in loving service and compassion to and for one another


Good Night Dear Family of Love! Have a blessed and lovely night. I love you and give thanks to God for you this Night and always. You Matter! 

With love, peace, and hope for a world united in love, justice, and mercy,


Jester Hairston Mix

Andrae Crouch Mix rest in peace Andrae Crouch

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