Saturday, January 9, 2016

Giving yourself permission to have fun in the midst of spiritual life.

Dear Family of Love! 

Happy Self-Care Saturday! I hope everyone is doing just that! It had occurred to me while I was out for the evening that we haven't talked about one of the most important ingredients that need to be added in anyone's life and that is having fun. We must give ourselves permission to have fun and frivolity in the midst of our spiritual and physical lives. If we do not have those added to our lives we  may find ourselves in trouble. When we are out of harmony ( an imbalance of body, mind, and spirit) we may find ourselves not being healthy. So dear ones it is most definitely okay to cut a rug, laugh uproariously, and live, love, and have fun on a daily basis. Find some kind of fun that will renew your spirit and release those endorphins. I encourage each and everyone of us to do this from now on. We need to do this especially with all the stress in the media, social media, and in our own lives this year. So here is my gift to you! Please click on the link below and listen.
Click this link, right here, right now, pretty please ;)

So how did that make you feel? I hope it made you feel wonderful and a little bit relaxed. 

Now that you are relaxed let us remember this.

Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know 
Be still

Repeat three times.

Take time for life
Take time for laughter
Take time for joy
Take time for love
Take time for fun
Take time to hope
Take time for peace
Take time to give
Take time to dance
Take time to add music and art into your life
Take time to honor your body, mind, and spirit.
Take time to breathe
Take time for God
Take to to be
Take time.

Let us light our candles and be at prayer as we  pray for our all of our family members in every corner of the world this night. Let us remember that every person on the planet is our brother and sister and even those we don't understand, those who hate us , and those we do not like. Remember we are to love all and be CALM (Compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) family members. God isn't letting us off the hook.

Dear God who Created us in your image and likeness may we never forget to look into each face and eyes as a mirror reflecting your love through us to them and back.

Watch over our family members who are struggling this night and especially Buena Vista Vince whom I haven't seen in awhile. We pray for safety of all our family members who are homeless, hungry, lonely and lost.

God we ask your calming presence to be among all of our family members who waiting for surgery and news of those who are having surgery.

God watch over all of our family members  who are ill and battling any illness of any kind we pray especially that our family members may step up and be relied upon as needed.

We pray for all of our family members who live in the many troubled regions of the world that peace may prevail and justice and mercy may finally be at work.

God help our family members deal with unrealistic expectations of how they want things to be and see things and situations as they really are.

God hear the prayers of your children now remembering especially__________________________

God hear the thanksgivings as your children give thanks especially for______________________

God  hear the joyful celebrations of your children we remember this day_______________________

God hear and console those who grieve the loss of loved ones  this day and at other times remembering those whom we name before you_____________________

God, the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier we lay these prayers in your fatherly and motherly arms  and ask that  you care for each of these requests made by your children from their uplifted, hearts, hands, and voices. All this we ask in Jesus' Holy Name. Amen.


I hope and pray that tonight that you will begin to let God's Light In and that you remember this : The Light of Christ in me, Recognizes the light of Christ in you. May you be blessed and have a restful and peaceful sleep this night. I love you, you matter to God and me, and I'm blessed to call you family and as I ask from time to time Won't you walk with me on our journey?

 With love, joy, peace, and hope, 


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