Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Self-Care is needed daily not just on Self-Care Saturdays! Tonight we talk about spiritual self-care and reconnecting with God and ourselves

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Take Care Tuesday! I hope everyone is taking care of yourselves and all of our family members who need it. It is that time of year when we all need to practice self-care not only on Saturday but everyday. Our spirits need self-care too. I find this especially true after the holidays and stressful times. Yes we all need to spend more time in silence and off the grid. That being said, I hope everyone takes time to turn off the TV, music, and anything else that may be interfering with our time with God and ourselves. This is meant to be a time of  reconnection with God and You! Yes, you!
Do you know who you are and whose you are? Let's take a moment and see what your heart's answer is. If you are struggling with this. Let us take time to be in meditation with God and ourselves. 

Remember we are to : 

Be Still and Know that I am God
Be Still and Know
Be Still

Take time to slowly breathe in and exhale out. 

Do this for as long as it takes you to find peace and quiet within.

Now let us repeat the question: Do you know who you are and whose you are? 

Let us sit quietly. This may take you a long time to find out and that is okay. You have all the time in the world to find this out. Just keep sitting, praying, and remaining with God and asking God to remain in you.

Dear Ones it is time for our daily Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils.

Now let us light our candles and settle into our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigils: Tonight let us pray for the leaders of our country and that we may learn to love one another no matter who we are and where we are from. Let us pray that we may have Love Energy to carry God's Good News of Love to all the world. Let us light our candles and be at prayer.

Tonight let us use this prayer cycle.

 Prayer Cycle for the week of  the Sunday after the Baptism of Our Lord

To have listening hearts and quiet minds to listen and feel the guidance of God.
Pray for peace in all the world.

Pray for our enemies ant those who wish us harm.
Pray for all who are ill.
Pray for our family members who are continuing to seek a deeper relationship with God.
Pray for our family members who are longing for acceptance and the courage to live authentic lives.
Pray for refugees, prisoners, captives, victims of violence and terror. 
Pray for our Naval troops in Iran, For our family members who were wounded and killed in Istanbul.
For all of our family members who are returning to school either to teach or to learn.
Help us to be good stewards of God's Cathedral of Life

Help us to be caring and non-judgmental when we Post, Tweet, Pin, or IG.
Teach us to be kind and loving.
For those discerning calls to ministry or a new path in life.
Help us to care for all caregivers with love and without  needless opining.
Giver us courage to speak truth to power when we see injustice.
Quiet and still all of our worries and anxieties.
Help us to feel once again the renewing properties of the Water of Baptism.
May we continually be reminded of our promises mate at Baptism.
Help us quietly serve God without the need for recognition.
Help us when we do ministry to check our egos always.
Calm our fears and make us fearless.
For our leaders governmental and religious.
For calm in the face of danger.
Help us Lord to help you heal this broken world.
Enliven our Spirits, quicken our steps, and enlarge and tenderize our hearts.
Give us the tools to give  hope, make peace, bring joy, show love, and to be the light.

Give us courage to be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving and Merciful) People.
Add your petitions to this list.


Good Night Dear Ones! Have a blessed and restful night. I love you and give thanks to God for you always. Remember to take care of yourselves so that we may take care of others.

With love, hope, peace, and joy,


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