Thursday, January 21, 2016

There's nothing wrong with a day in your jammies! Sometimes God calls me to a new kind of CALM "Caring and Loving Myself"

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Today I opted for the old Jammie and rest day because for some reason my body told me that is what I was going to do. So I listened to my body. It's amazing how this can be restorative and fulfilling. It was a new kind of CALM which is ( Caring and Loving Myself) We who have chronic illnesses know this for sure. God is okay with this and if we listen to how our hearts and minds feel on these days we will definitely know this. So tonight if you haven't gotten cozy, do it now. Let's have a night of thanksgiving and  being thoughtful for even the down times when we need extra relaxation and mindfulness with a prayer to make things complete. 

Let us start with this :

Let us listen to our singing bowl music: Tibetan Flute and Singing Bowl Music

Caring and loving myself is okay.
Caring and loving myself  is what I need to do.
Caring and loving myself leads to being able to care and love others mercifully and with acceptance.

I am called to be CALM = Compassionate, Accepting, Loving and Merciful.
I am called to be Compassionate.
I am called to be Accepting
I am called to be Loving
I am called to be Merciful.

Peace be still
Peace be

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know 
Be still

Inhale God's Love gently and hold your breath and then exhale God's Love energy slowly.

Let us be thankful for times when we need to rest and renew our bodies minds and spirits.

Dear Ones it is once again time for our nightly Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigil. Let us light our candles and pray for those who live with cancer and all chronic illnesses that keep them from doing daily routines and cause them great spells of depression and anxiety. Let us pray for mental health facilities in every town in this country and in the world. We pray this night for all of our family members who are homeless, hungry, and ill-clad and do not have a shelter that meets their needs.

Prayers from last year's blog. 

God of time and space help us to see each nano-second that we live,move, and be as holy times fit  with love, hope, joy, and peace and that we always may feel your presence and dwell with you.

God of time and space, we pray for all those who are dying and are in transition and preparing for their heavenly journey to the Thin Places. We pray this night  for Marcus Borg who has joined you. 
We pray for all who mourn losses and are also pre-grieving.

God of time and space, we pray that peace in this world of yours may prevail and be accomplished in our lifetime so that we may be truly united as your loving family.

God of time and space, we pray for all who are in need of stable employment and transitioning from new jobs and life paths.

God of time and space, we pray that your gracious and healing hands may be upon those who are ill this night and that they may be returned to health. 

God of time and space, we pray that we may be mindful of our vulnerable family members who are in dire need of housing, food, and clothing. We pray for their safety this night and always.

God of time and space, take our bodies, minds, and spirits and lead them to serve, love, and protect our family members nearby and far away.

God of Time and space, we pray and give thanks for______________

God of Time and space we pray for our mentors by name ______________ And we give thanks for their contributions to our lives and the lives of others.

God of Time and space we pray these our prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 


Today's wish is that everyone takes time to appreciate the gifts that everyone brings to the table no matter how large or small.

Today's wish is that all of our family members have a wonderful day filled with love, joy, wonder, and inner peace.

Good Night Dear Family! May you rest in God's gentle an loving arms with peaceful hearts and minds.  I love you and give thanks for you this night and always.

With love and peace of mind,


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