Sunday, January 31, 2016

Time to refocus and have more Self-Care and Sabbath Rest time.

Dear Family of Love,

Yes, Dear Ones my noggin had a bad headache last night and I felt that I didn't want to do fly off the handle and write something that I couldn't take back. These headaches make me feel miserable and that is when Operation Self-Care is put into place. I hope everyone has their own Operation Self-Care plan to combat pain and un-ease. Rest is key and we all know that I could have plowed through it but I'm getting smarter in my old age. Tonight we meditate on stopping the glorification of busy and find a level living field. As one with a tri-level chronic illness it is never easy not to plow through without doing a self-check and making sure I bank my energy. Writing this blog and praying in place are crucial when I can't go out and walk long distances. We need to honor God by being obedient to what our bodies are conveying to us daily. I would like all of us now to sit back and enjoy our final time of Self-Care and Sabbath Rest this weekend. 

Let us begin by journeying into our heart homes with gentle breathing exercises and tensing and relaxing our muscle groupings. Let us do this slowly and with our eyes closed.  Set your own tempo. 

Here is a suggested piece of music to get you in the contemplative mood and Om Zone!

Sacred Music for Healing Hands

Whisper to yourself our favorite phrase:

Be Still and Know that I am God.
Be Still and Know
Be Still

Breathe in and then breathe out.


It is now time to get back on track enter into our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigil. Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Tonight we pray for all who are living with chronic illnesses and pain. We pray for all of our family members who do not have food, clothing, or shelter. We pray for an end to division and hatred among all the peoples of the earth. We pray that peace may prevail and that justice may roll down. 

Here are two sets of prayers that you may use additionally.

Dear Lord help us not to remain silent when members of our family are in emotional pain or are victims of violence and abuse. Grant us courage speak out on their behalf and may our words and actions be a prayer quilt of love warming them and making them feel safe and secure. 

God watch over all those who are out tonight riding bikes and walking.

Watch over all those who are working in cities and states where there are icy roads and bad driving conditions.

We pray for all those who are in  dangerous situations of any kind !

We pray that we may be alert to our surroundings!

Help us to unwind our bodies, minds, and spirits tonight and feel your arms enfolding us with your Love, Compassion and Mercy.

Please remember in prayer all those who are on your hearts at this moment.

We give thanks that you O  Lord, are a loving and merciful God  as we give thanks for.____________

Help us to celebrate life, milestone, and ______________________with joy, love, and gladness.

We pause and reflect as we remember those who have left this earthly life to be with you,  Remembering especially__________

Help us always to respond with loving and caring actions for our brothers and sisters.

Take away all coldness of spirit and actions by others and infuse and empower them with your life giving and loving spirits that they may truly know that you are the God of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. 

All this we ask in Jesus' most holy name. Amen

Selection II

Dear God  help us to learn and keep practicing the art of being kindness.

God help we pray that we may be continually kind to all of our family members when they are in need.

God give us kind hearts and heart homes to help us make peace in this broken world. May we practice the art of kindness to those with whom we disagree and are in division with.

God give us kind hearts to  comfort all who mourn and that we may forever have their backs.

God give us kind and supporting hearts to those who are ill in body, mind, and spirt.

God give us kind and loving hands to love and serve you and all our family members each and every day.

God we pray for all who are dying and who have died that they may have a circle of kindness wrapped around them as they make their journey to You in the Thin Places.

God we pray for all who still face severe weather systems. God keep them safe from harm.

God we pray for all who travel that they may make arrive safely to their destination.

God give all the leaders of the nations and any governmental body kind hearts to know who they truly serve and why they do it. May they remember that if one is denied equality everyone is denied equality.

God let us now with kind hearts offer our own prayers and thanksgivings_____________

God of all kindness we lift our prayers to your Only Son Jesus who modeled kindness through His deeds, actions, and parables. Amen.


Today's wish: Today's wish is that you take time for self-care and soul-care and may you feel refreshed and renewed to love .


Good Night Dear family of Love! I love you! I am glad to have you in my life! I give God thanks for you this day and always! Rest gentile in Gods enfolding arms tonight!

With love and a kind spirit, 


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