Friday, January 22, 2016

Jesus and a new way of being.

Dear Family of Love/God

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. Have no fear this is one of many days that God has made and called them good. We rejoice that each an every day is holy and good and when God created everything in the vast universe it was and is good. There should be no doubt that includes you and me and our entire worldwide and yes even those who may live in other places of the universe. We have a cosmic and wonderful family that God made not only for himself but for each of us. We need not fear being alone and on the margins. When God decided that the hell fire and brimstone wasn't working and "came down from Heaven" in the form of Jesus His Son it wasn't because God hated us but because he loved us and loves us still. .Does God  hate us? No not at all. God came to Earth as Jesus to learn more about how we lived, moved, and just be. God came to Earth as Jesus to pave for us a rich pathway and a new way of being. I like to think of Jesus as the new Exodus that leads us out of darkness, into light, from hate, into love, from ego, to we go and do it together, from the crooked to the straight, from sinners to the redeemed and blessed family of God that we truly are. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are forever indwelling in us not way far away. So  how do we respond and live into this new way of being? It is simply or for some of us it may be more challenging for others striving to be CALM = Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful. When was the last time you looked at someone who rubs you the wrong way ans saw Jesus? Sometimes we don't but if we look closely enough you just might.  As I was watching some of the videos from Trinity Institute the past few days I have learned that God has given us the gift of having a diverse family. This family doesn't have to look alike! We must look at each face that we see and know that God didn't plan for us to look, act, believe, speak, live in the same way. This is the one gift from God that is precious above all others. Notice the richness we find in both the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament. Family of God our family members way back when weren't lily white and marched lock step. No, not at all! It is in these differences that we are supposed to be striving to share lovingly and without fear. It is in these differences we must find common ground. It is in these differences we must come together and be united as God has called us and created us to be. It is these differences we see the beauty of God's creation in the animal, plant, mineral, human, kingdoms. It is these differences that are our textbooks to learn from each other through diversity. It is these differences we learn that these are in fact not differences but wonderful positives brought into our lives that would be boring without them.  These days our 24 news cycle is rife with hatred and mistrust of "The Other" and a need to corral our family members just because they are different. This isn't what Jesus the Christ that I believe in wants us to do. Remember when Jesus maps out our path he wants us to learn and sit at his feet like Mary of Bethany and find out that Love, Listening, an open mind, open hands, willing feet, and heart home are all that is necessary. Yes Jesus and God want us to serve the least of these, don't get me wrong that is part of  being a part of this big family. Yes and that includes some pretty shady, bad, and hateful people. We just have to stand up straight, take a few deep breaths and begin to follow the way of our master and love others, be the light, and also see God reflected in the eyes of our enemies.  Are you up to this task? If so let us begin. 

Dear Family of God and Love Let us Light Our Candles tonight and pray that we may all learn to love  each other and see God in the all of our family members nearby and far away. We pray that we may learn to accept the rich diversity of God's creation as a gift and not a hindrance. May we come to seek common ground with love and joy as we get to share our diversity with each other in wonderful and positive ways. 

Here are our meditation lessons for this evening with accompanying prayers.

I'm about to give you a plan or suggestions to help us find common ground and connect with one another.

First: make a list of things that we all have in  common.
What makes us the same?
Pray.look to see God in the eyes of all, love, and embrace our family members

Second: leave that list on the table for meditation.
Pray, look, to see God in the eyes of all, love, and embrace our family members.

Third: What are the things, concerns, and situations that divide us? Make another list.
Pray Look, at yourself , do you see God in your own eyes? let go of all negatives and let God heal all of us from these things.

Fourth: Look at that list and take them off the table and place them in our Worry/ Sabbath Box.
Pray, Look, at yourself , do you see God in your own eyes? Let Go, and be free to look  with love and be with our family members.

Fifth: Keep repeating all the prior steps until all we do are steps one and two and remember to Love God, Neighbor/ Family Member and ourselves. 

Let us meditate on the above.Listen to this from  The Call from Ralph Vaughan Williams

The Call

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:
Such a Way, as gives us breath:
Such a Truth, as ends all strife:
Such a Life, as killeth death.

Come, My Light, my Feast, my Strength:
Such a Light, as shows a feast:
Such a Feast, as mends in length:
Such a Strength, as makes his guest.

Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
Such a Joy, as none can move:
Such a Love, as none can part:
Such a Heart, as joys in love.

Now let us pray for peace and unity among all people and nations! 

God who made us and makes us one we pray for unity among all people and nations
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one lead us to put away all hindrances that divide us
May we be one and love one another

God who made us and makes us one give us  the courage to see you in the eyes of all who are our enemies and wish us harm.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. Heal them and make them whole and may we lovingly respond to their needs.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of those who are protesting using peaceful non-violence.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of all our most vulnerable family members. Help us to ourselves and you in their eyes and love them as you have taught us and to serve them as you have taught us to serve.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one. we give thanks for all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this day.

God who made us and makes us one may we be with those who are pre-grieving and mourning any loss.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are dying and have died may they find loving, joy, and oneness with you in the Thin Places.

God who made us and makes us one we offer these our prayers and thanksgivings in the most Holy Name of your Son Jesus. May we be one and love one another. Amen.

Today's wish: Connect with all that is good and holy in every person you meet. Love boldly and fearlessly! I love you!


Good Night Dear Family! I love you! May you all rest gentile in Gods arms tonight. Don't forget to place all your worries, fears, anxieties, angers, and anything else that is preventing you from being connected to God in the Worry/ Sabbath Box. 

With Love and unity,


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