Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Our midweek retreat and wind down towards our Self Care and Sabbath Rest Weekend! A time to be spent with and in holy prayer and silence

Dear Family of  Love!

I hope everyone had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday Tonight we are going to keep this blog short so that we may be able to enter into our time of the holy more fully. We must begin our weekly wind down starting today so that when we reach Friday we may be prepared for our Self-Care and Sabbath Rest Weekend. Take out your Worry/Sabbath box and place a few of the items that are troubling you and let them go. Spend time in silence or a period of meditation with music. 

We haven't used music in awhile so here is our musical selection; Taize Songs

Just sit, breathe, and be!

Now we meditate on the concept and need for rest, relaxation, and renewal as we prepare for our Self-Care and Sabbath Rest weekend to come.

Time for our Virtual Candlelight Vigil!

Good Evening Dear Ones Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Let us pray for our family members in every corner of the world. Let us ask God to help us learn to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us. Let us also remember that the same people who hate us and are our enemies and our family members and the least of these.

Let us be at prayer;

God help us to rest, relax, and renew out bodies,minds, and spirits.

We pray that all war and violence may cease ant that we may find your world at peace and at rest.

We pray for all our family members who find it hard to rest. May we rise to help them do this. 

We pray for all who are ill and need to find rest in order to heal. We remember today our family members who are in need of prayer especially________________________

We pray for all our family members who are in need of shelter, clothing, and food. 

We pray for peace in our cities that violence may cease and that all the needs of your children may be met. 

We pray for justice and universal human rights for all.

We pray for all who are transitioning into new normals.

We pray for all who have doubts and fears and anxieties we pray that they may "Consider the lilies!"

We pray for comprehensive mental health services in all our cities.

We pray for compassionate immigration reform . We pray this day for all displaced persons and refugees.

We pray for all who mourn and those who have died this day and entered into your Thin Places.

We lift up these our prayers in Jesus' most holy Name. Amen.


 Let's be more responsive to all our loved ones. No one gets to fall through the cracks!

Today's wish is that we respect and love each other as we are and who God made us to be.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! May you find yourselves rested, relaxed, refreshed, and renewed. I love you. I give God thanks for you this day and always. Remember tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday!

Love, peace, and blessings be always yours,


For those of you who need a little extra meditation here is a virtual labyrinth walk to be used with your mouse:  Print out the top picture as your do not disturb sign be for you do the labyrinth.

For another blog to refer to please see:

Tonight's blog's prayers come from this one.

A recipe for rest, relaxation, and renewal!

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