Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Seeing Gospel Messages Everywhere We Go!

Dear Family of Love!

I hope everyone is having a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday ! Last evening we talked about telling our own Bible stories. What have you learned about yourself? Is there some new epiphany you have experienced? Hold on to those questions as we talk about seeing Gospel Messages Everywhere we go. Today I saw this visual Gospel message:

God gives us each day these Gospel messages if only we have the courage to look and open our hearts.  This picture is of one of our family member's homes! This may not be what we call a home but the person who sought refuge here did. Walk With Me On Our Journey since its inception has been committed to opening our eyes to the living Gospel messages through pix on my prayer walks here are a few to remember:

See these are a few of the Gospel images found on our walks together. Let's see when you go on your walks or are out and about how many Gospel messages you can find. 

Tonight dear ones let us begin our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigil and light our candles and pray for the least of these our family members and pray that we may lovingly respond to the Gospel messages we see everywhere we go. We pray that we may be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful).

“Be the heart of a network of global citizens

Be a bridge for dialogue between civilizations

Be a beacon lighting the way to a century 

of life”

~ Daisaku Ikeda

God of abundance, joy, and love we offer our bodies, minds, and spirits into your loving care this night. As we pray let us be mindful of the needs of our family members and pray for their well being.

 God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all our family members who have had surgery or any procedure today that they may be on their way to good health and accept your healing.

God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all refugees, captives, prisoners, victims of domestic violence and abuse. Bring them out of danger and into freedom and safety.

 God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all who are grieving that they may feel your loving and sustaining grace during grief's long journey.

 God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all of our family members who are struggling that they may be comforted and relieved from their present situation.

God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all nations that they may use common sense and compassion when governing their residents. We pray for peace and and end to violence, war, and cruelty.

God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all  who have asked us for prayer and the many who are on our daily prayer heart and prayer list. Please add your own prayers and thanksgivings here.

God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over our heart homes and may we love more and more to the brim and overflowing.

God of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy,watch over all who post and tweet in cyber-space that hate may be quelled and a place of love, dignity and respect may reign.

 God  of Compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy, help us to see your Gospel messages everywhere we go. Help us to see them and follow your son Jesus and model our lives and show love and mercy to your fragile and broken world.  Keep our eyes keen, our hearts open, and our spirits empowered to be engaged in your world for the betterment of all our family members. May we reflect your compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy to all. We pray that the me generation will be replaced with the we generation.

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, these are our prayers accept them with love, mercy, and grace. Amen.


Good Night Loved Ones! Have a blessed and restful evening! Know that you are loved, matter, and aren't hated but held in God's loving arms and wrapped warmly in God's quilt of grace and mercy.  I love you and give God thanks for you this night and always!

Love, prayers, and the light is always on in my heart-home for you,


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