Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My gentle but forceful Tweet Rant to Donald Trump and Fox News! No I haven't gone rogue! Time to dial it down and pray and be mindful!

Dear Family of Love !

I hope everyone is having a good day. Today was one of my rest days this afternoon! Trying to stay healthy so that I can get Jury Duty out of the way. I have been experiencing lots of aches and pains due to the weather and that certainly isn't pretty but I will get through it.  Today was a first! I decided to tell Donald Trump not to "Protect Christianity!" Yes dear ones I have had it with this wayward and uninformed family member of ours who just doesn't get it! I sent him three tweets and here is what I posted on Facebook earlier with two of the Tweets!

I normally wouldn't have done this but I have gotten fed up with Donald Trump telling us that he will be protecting Christianity. Since when does Christianity need protecting? So I Tweeted him and told him and Fox news that Christianity doesn't need protecting from him and that Christ is doing that nicely. Thank you very much. I reminded him that we are about the least of these and gave him  a reference to this scripture passage!

Micah 6:8 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
8 He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

Here are the  Tweets :  @FoxNews @TheRealDonaldTrump Christianity doesn't need protecting from you or anyone! Christ has it handled nicely thank you very much!

@FoxNews @TheRealDonaldTrump 
You do not represent Christianity in a positive way and do not get it! We are about the least of these. Micah 6:8

So how do we set ourselves about the business of prayer and meditation ? We just do! We must from time to time speak with a strong voice against buffoonery and remind our family members what we truly are all about. Sometimes they might listen and sometimes they might not. So tonight we will set as in the prophet Isaiah and "Set our faces like flint" and be at the business of being connected to God, each other, and ourselves, We must take time for mindfulness and prayer as we always do. So dear ones let us be at the business of letting love's energy flow through us to others and shine the light of God to a fragile and broken world. 

It is time once again for our Virtual Candlelight Prayer Vigil. Let us Light Our Candles and be at  prayer for the nations of the world, peace, and a growth in being CALM (compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) members of the family of God/Love.

Let us take time to be one with each other as we sit mindfully and breathe in and exhale out and let all the cares of the day that still are plaguing our minds be emptied. 

Tonight's musical selection is the soundtrack from Gandhi

God we pray this night that we may be connected one to another and that we may learn to love one another with gentle souls and spirits.

God we pray for all who travel that they may be safe on their journeys.

God we pray for all of our family members who are in need of  food, clothing, and shelter.

God we pray for peace in the world and that we may finally learn to be peacemakers.

God we pray for our family members who are ill and especially those whom we don't know.

God we pray for all of us who have chronic illnesses that we may learn to live with them gracefully and with purpose.

God we pray for our enemies and those who wish us harm.

God we pray for refugees, prisoners, victims of violence and terror.

God we pray for all leaders of the various faith communities that we may find common ground.

God we pray that we may learn from each other, see you in each other's eyes, and love one another. 

God we pray for safety in our towns and on our roadways.

God we give thanks for all those who are called to keep us safe. 

God we offer our own prayers and thanksgivings _______________________________

and these additional prayers in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Week may be added:

In honor of Martin Luther King Junior let us take time to pray!

Lord God we lift up all war torn nations that are deprived of civil  and  human rights:
Let Freedom Ring!

Lord We lift up all who labor in the courts of justice in this country that every one will be granted due process and equal protection under the law.
Let Freedom Ring

Lord we pray that every family member will respect everyone's dignity and personhood.
Let us sow seeds of compassion.

Lord we pray that we may continue to give thanks for all that unites us and pray for those differences that separate us and that we may all come to know that we are one family in Christ and humankind.
May we live united as the family of God.

We pray for justice, love and mercy as we walk with God on our journey.

We pray for all those who are deprived of liberty, justice, education, and human rights in all parts of the world.

We pray for safe working conditions.

We pray for all laborers in the fields and in all places.

We pray for an end of violence, injustice, indifference, and hate

We pray for equality and acceptance of all God's Children.

We pray for rain to heal the areas affect by drought.

We pray for those in prison and captivity.

We pray for all those who have mental illness. 

We pray for peace and to be peacemakers.

We pray especially for the causes and social justice issues that are on our hearts____________________

We give our thoughtful thanks for_______________

We celebrate________________  and especially all those who are new citizens of our country.

We remember Martin Luther King Junior, Fabian, Rosa Parks, the Little Rock Nine, Nelson Mandela, Steven Biko, and all valiant seekers after justice and the rights of the oppressed.

All this we ask in Jesus' name who is the example for us to be beacons of Justice, Hope, Equality, and Peace. Amen.


Remember this week  the contributions of Martin Luther King Junior and all those who were and are involved in civil rights movements past and present. Ask yourself what you can do to affect change? Our prayer focus for this week is: praying for the unloved, unlikable, and our enemies! Yes, that even means the person who sat in "your pew"  at church. We must" love one another as God loves us"


Dear family, that is all for tonight! I love you, You matter and I give thanks to God for you this day and always!

Love, peace, joy, and hope and God's Blessings!


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