Friday, January 8, 2016

Getting ready for our time of Sabbath Rest and Self-Care

Dear Family of  Love,

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. It's time to take time to get back into the groove and take care of ourselves after a long season of busy-ness and holiday stress. It is also time to throw out all the tidbits that you placed in the Worry/ Sabbath jar and start anew. Tonight we will of course have our virtual candlelight prayer vigil as we always do. I would take necessary time just to rest and be with God and not do anything. Don't do, just be, and enjoy breathing and find yourselves going deeper 

Let us concentrate on the ripples in the pond and sit quietly, and breathe in and out. 

It is time dear ones for our virtual candlelight prayer vigil. Our prayer time tonight is dedicated to all faith communities that are seeking to come together in peace. We pray for our family members who need to learn how to live in love and peace with their neighbors. We pray that we may be united and not divided. 

Let us light our candles and be at prayer!

Tonight let us celebrate with God and pray these our prayers that we offer in the name of God who is love;

God we celebrate our lives and our family members because each day that we live is worth celebrating.

God we celebrate our diversity may we lovingly accept and include everyone into this your Family of  love. May we be united as one and have the privilege of having universal human rights  that respect our dignity as your children. 

God we celebrate your Cathedral of Life and the rich abundance that your provide for us each day.

God we celebrate and give thanks for homeless shelters, rescue missions, food pantries, food banks, domestic violence shelters, 211, 911, half-way houses, group homes, social service agencies, community organizers, thrift shops, and all those who serve the needs of our most vulnerable family members who are the least of these. We pay for all those who will not have shelter tonight that they may find havens away from the cold.

God we celebrate and  give thanks for caregivers, doctors, nurses, home health aids, hospice volunteers, mortuary personnel, EMTs,  In Home supportive service workers, Visiting nurses who care for all those who are ill and differently-abled. We pray this night for the healing of our youngest to the oldest family member who are ill.

God we celebrate the lives of those who have entered the Thin Places this day and in the recent past, especially those who are near and dear to us. We pray this night for all who mourn and are grieving.

God we celebrate those whom you have called to be peacemakers. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world of yours. We pray for  an end to any kind of violence and better laws involving guns.

God we may we celebrate each day with you in prayer, meditation, and walking with you.

Jesus as we continue to celebrate this season of Epiphany may we be led to many amazing things that you are going to show us . We pray these our prayers in your most Holy Name. Amen.

O God, who broughtst me from the rest of last night
Unto the joyous light of this day,
Be Thou bringing me from the new light of this day
Unto the guiding light of eternity.
Oh! from the new light of this day
Unto the guiding light of eternity.

Dhe, thug mis a fois na h-oidhch an raoir
Chon solus aoibh an la an diugh,
Bi da mo thoir bho sholus ur an la an diugh,
Chon solus iul na siorruidheachd,
O! bho sholus ur an la an diugh,
Gu solus iul na siorruidheachd.

From the Carmina Gadelica


Good Night Dear Ones ! Rest, renew, and prepare for our weekend of Sabbath Rest and Self-Care. Know that you are loved and appreciated. I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

With love, hope, peace,and joy,


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