Saturday, January 16, 2016

The State of Walk With Me On Our Journey another milestone is approaching!

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Self-Care and Sabbath Rest Weekend. I hope that everyone is doing something for yourself especially your bodies, minds, and spirits! In a little while we will be celebrating 120,000 page views in history.That means that there have been that many people who have read the blog and who come to it for CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy). I would also like to add you come here for comfort when things are causing you heartache and pain. This continues to be a soft pace in which to fall. I'm hoping that my words have the ability to soothe your heart homes when times are stressful. I hope that this is your comfort corner when world's events seem to give you stress and mind spasms.

We have much to look towards this year. Our social media presence continues to grow and prosper. We all need to have each other's backs in the most reassuring way. I hope to be back on the prayer walking trail as soon as my fatigue levels are eased up a bit. We will have more photos from God's Cathedral of Life. Tonight's question is this, What has Walk With Me On Our Journey done for you this past year? Please let me know and make more comments. I want to hear from you. Your prayer requests are still encouraged so that we may continue to prayer walk and pray in place. We hope to find someone to translate the blog into Spanish this year.  I look forward in continuing this vital ministry in cyberspace and beyond. 

Tonight let us light our candles and be at prayer in unity and love with one another and our family members throughout the world. May we seek to find common ground with our brothers and sisters and let them know that they are loved and we see God in each of their faces.

Let us continue and be at prayer for peace, joy, hope, and love in the world and that we may remain CALM- Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful. 

God of Joy we pray for all of our family members who have lost touch with the joys of living.

God of Love we pray for all of our family members who are in need of warmth and companionship.

God of Peace we pray for all of our family members throughout the world who have been touched by violence and terror. May peace prevail upon earth and in our heart homes.

God of Hope we pray for all of our family members who are homeless, hungry, ill-clad, and without a place to call home for any reason. Give them hope that they may have their needs met and solutions for better living conditions may be found.

God of  Grace, we pray for all of our family members who are mourning losses of family and friends.
Give them comfort in this their time of grief and sorrow.

God of Mercy, we pray for all of our family members who are seeking justice and  a voice to speak truth to power. 

God of Healing we pray for all our family members who are in need of healing of their bodies, minds, and spirits, Give them patience and their family members who are  awaiting  Your healing. 

God  of abundance we  give thanks this day for our many blessings remembering especially___________

God of Eternal Light and Love we pray for all who are dying and those who have entered the Thin Places this day. 

God of presence help us to feel your love enfolding us this night and always.

God of comfort, we pray for all of our family members who continue to suffer from post holiday depression and  Seasonal Affective Disorder and any mental illness.

God who created times of celebration and remembrance may we celebrate life each and every minute we live, move, and be and remember with tender heart homes those times in our lives or in the lives of  our faith communities and nation.

God we pray these our prayers in the most Holy Name of your only Son Jesus. Amen.

Prayers from our brother in Ferguson Stephen J. Robin:
"Lord, we ask your guidance as we seek to find ways of supporting our community in their needs and hope. Amen.

"Lord, as young people continue to protest peacefully in the central west end of St Louis, keep them safe. Amen."

Wishes from today! 

Today's wish: Make everyday count and celebrate today with joy and love in your hearts!


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you! I give God Thanks for you this night and always! May we all have a blessed and peaceful rest.  Now for our celebration songs here they are:

A very merry unbirthday !

Hakuna Matata 

Celebration - Kool and the Gang

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Love, joy, and celebration bubbles!


Susan Ciani Mix

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