Thursday, January 7, 2016

Things I thought I'd never see in this country and it hurts my heart! Very difficult to write but things must be said.

Dear Family of Love!

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! I hope we all are! I'm not sure how passionate and hard hitting I should be tonight as I write this. Maybe if I explain what is causing my heart to hurt it will become clearer. I don't like what I'm seeing in this country of ours from the hatred, bullying,racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, discrimination, lack of compassion, violence, the woeful disrespect of all people from all walks of life, and oppression just to name a few. I could go into my upbringing and politics but I'm sure you probably have figured that out. I won't go into details because this is a time for deep prayer and meditation and I am trying not to write in an angry tone and get us off of our nightly prayer and meditation time. If this kind of thing continues you will hear from me with a voice that you haven't heard or seen before. I guarantee  you it won't be pretty nor will it be kind.  But we must continue to behave in a gracious and reverent manner towards our family members. Sinking to the levels of behavior we are seeing in the media and social media is not what I'm about and must not be what we are about and the God we follow. I want everyone to repeat after me: 

God is Love, ( Place your higher power's name here)
Jesus is Love,
I am love
You are Love
The least of these our family members are love
Our family members are love
Those who hate us are Love
Our Enemies are Love
We are love

Now let us remember our time of mindfulness:

Be Still and Know that I am God!
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Inhale God's love
Exhale Love of God, Neighbor, and Self

Be Still and Know that I am God!
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Inhale God's love
Exhale Love of God, Neighbor, and Self

Be Still and Know that I am God!
Be Still and Know
Be Still 

Inhale God's love
Exhale Love of God, Neighbor, and Self

Repeat after me: I am to be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful ) at all times, in all places, and with all people.

I am to strive to respect the dignity of every person and think before I speak and act towards all my family members in both public and private settings. 

I am to treat and see God and Jesus in everyone I meet. 

I am to speak truth to power.

I am to be a voice for the voiceless.

I am to love, serve, and care for the environment and all of human and animal kind.

I am to speak out against those who wish to divide and not unite. Remembering that being silent is not healthy for the world and God's children. 

This meme is a good reminder too:

Now let us light out candles and be at prayer:

It's time to sit quietly and go inward to our heart homes and be at prayer for the homeless, the hungry, and the ill clad who are our family members.let us also pray for leaders around the world and in our own country who will be CALM (compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) ,Who will Do Justly, Love mercy, and walk humbly with God and seek to practice and encourage universal human rights for all people.

Let us now continue with prayers from last year's blog:

Let us pray for peace in the world and pray for the many situations that give our heart homes pain, worry, and anguish.

God of peace we pray that there may be an end to all acts of violence in your troubled world. We remember most especially all those who were killed and injured in any act of terror remembering especially those that God is bringing to our hearts to pray for___________ We pray that all acts of extremism will take flight and that love my unite us all in the family of love and justice.

God of Peace help us to remember the words of the Beatitudes and Magnificat  as we pray them this night within these our prayers.

God of Peace we pray for all who are ill and in the hospital. We pray for your healing of all of our bodies, minds,spirits, and troubled heart homes that feel sadness because of any events that have occurred today or in the past.

God of Peace we pray for CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) leadership in our country and especially those who are standing for election. We pray that they may respect and honor the dignity of every person and speak without being prejudicial and hate-filled. We pray that they may think before they speak and choose their words wisely.

God of Peace we pray for the least of these who are homeless, hungry, and ill clad that they may find shelters and warming centers this night. Help us to step up and come to their aid.

God of Peace we pray for all who are mentally ill that they may find the necessary and care they need.

God of  Peace we pray for all who are newly grieving the loss of loved ones and all of us who continue to grieve loss long after our loved ones have entered the Thin Places.

God of Peace shine in our heart homes so that we may shine your light to others with love, joy, hope, and peace this night  Help us to shine the light and the Star or Bethlehem's light to those who are in darkness. May this light shine upon them and lift them out of the dark places.

God of Peace surround all caregivers with love and help them to find rest and respite from their labors. May caregivers of family members receive love and respect from their siblings as they care for their parents.

God of  Peace help us to Speak out for justice, Speak for the voiceless, Speak for those who do not have universal human rights, Speak out for those who are being bullied and abused, 

God we lay these our prayers and those who have come seeking our prayers remembering especially__________at the feet, and in the arms, and in the most Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

A final piece of  music: O Day of Peace (Jerusalem)

O day of peace that dimly shines
through all our hopes and prayers and dreams,
guide us to justice, truth, and love,
delivered from our selfish schemes.
May the swords of hate fall from our hands,
our hearts from envy find release,
till by God's grace our warring world
shall see Christ's promised reign of peace.

Then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb,
nor shall the fierce devour the small;
as beasts and cattle calmly graze,
a little child shall lead them all.
Then enemies shall learn to love,
all creatures find their true accord;
the hope of peace shall be fulfilled,
for all the earth shall know the Lord.

Words: Carl P. Daw, Jr.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you! I hope that tonight we may find peace in our heart homes, love  as our peace making force, and giving thanks for all our many blessings as our final prayers as we lay ourselves into God's loving and enfolding arms. 

Love, peace, prayers, blessings, and abundant grace be always yours,


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