Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Warm and loving Welcome to new and faithful readers of Walk With Me on Our Journey

Dear Family of Love!

I want to welcome anyone who is new to Walk With Me on Our Journey! I never know who's new and who has been a faithful reader. Welcoming is so very important in our lives now more than ever. We need to welcome each other into our lives, hearts, as friends and family. We also need to welcome our family members whom we do not know and may not have anything in common with. I remember when I was in special education that the first thing Mrs. Garcia taught me was to look her in the eye and shake hands with a firm grip. I'm beginning to believe that we all need to go back and learn Etiquette and manners. We have lost much by having manners and as my mother called it Gracious Living /Hospitality go by the wayside. God's world has taken giant steps backwards and have forgotten the simple and random acts of kindness towards one another. Here is a new opportunity to go back to basics. Order an etiquette book online in either Kindle, Nook, iBooks, or paper or frequent your local bookstore. I think you can get one at a used bookstore too!
Start with chapter one and read a chapter everyday. Add this to your spiritual reading (whatever kind of spiritual reading you are interested in) and take time to get back to basics. Here are a few basics of how to be more welcoming:


Watch for non-verbal cues.

Never treat anyone of God's family as invisible.

Keep an eye out for the lonely, lost, homeless, and hungry.

Welcome all strangers and the least of these. Remember when you do this you are welcoming Jesus.

Say hello! Greet people with love and warmth. 

If you are in a situation where you are meeting new people, introduce yourself and extend your hand of friendship and welcome. A firm grip is always good.

Offer assistance to anyone who needs it (Remember the Good Samaritan)

Don't assume everyone is a hugger.

If you see someone sitting alone at an event take the opportunity to join them. This goes for coffee hour after church.

In cyberspace watch your words and be kind. It is better to respond constructively or not at all. Hate of any kind is not acceptable.

Be a warm and positive person with your online presence. 

Respond with love, warmth, and acceptance. If someone is going through something and you are friends, don't do a cyber  Good Samaritan  and not say something or at least  what I have told our family members to do is  this Like= I have your back and am here for you. this is for Facebook and for Twitter respond by a Favorite. 

It's just that simple. Being kind, courteous, loving, understanding, accepting,  and giving of one's self  and practicing random acts of  kindness will go a long way in bringing peace to God's broken world. 

This is what God is calling us to do and be.

For our prayers tonight we will have contemporary praise music to pray and  listen to as we offer our own prayers, remembrances, celebrations, and thanksgivings to God.   ! We will have written  prayers tomorrow. Just a change in routine and to give each of us a chance to pray with loving and mindful hearts. At the same time take time to listen for God's voice in the stillness and feel God's presence tapping us gently on the shoulder or giving us goosebumps at the heart and soul level.

Please click on the links below!

Gather Us In

We are Called

On Eagle's Wings

You Are Mine

Blest Are They Mix

The Summons

 The Voices that Challenge


Good Night Lovely Family! I welcome anyone who is new to Walk With Me On Our Journey to our loving, accepting and warm family. You are welcome and wanted here and this is a soft place to fall. Please remember you can submit your prayer requests on Facebook or Twitter. If confidentiality is a problem please PM me on Facebook or DM me on Twitter. I love you  and I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

Love,blessings, joy, and peace be always yours,


1 comment:

  1. I've just "happened upon" this, and I love what you are doing -- how the walks and the photos are a part of your faith. You have inspired me. Continue your beautiful work. God bless.
