Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Grief bites again! But that's okay ! It's part of living, loving, and laughing!

Dear Family of  Love,

We are on rest detail due to my chemo pump. It is not easy to have to rest, keep feet up, and not get stressed about anything. So, we rest and learn to love it regardless of what needs to be done. That was me after assisting at St. Peter's for this morning's Holy Eucharist and Healing service. No out and about time for me today. God gives us times like these to reflect and remember. This afternoon I had a case of the weepies because I was uncomfortable with my chemo pump, having grief bites that are related to the 2nd anniversary of Steve's death on August 19th. Its never easy to lose loved ones especially one's life partner. We all need to go through the grieving process and not skip steps. The losses of  Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall manage to dredge up all kinds of emotions, triggers, and grieving not dealt with in a long time. There is nothing to feel guilty about. Grieving is a process! Grief is the way of knowing that you loved someone. This often happens on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, All Saints, and All Souls too. So do not worry when grief comes, embrace it , remember your loved ones, take time to remember and write down any new memories that come. It's ok to cry, get angry, and get choked up. It's a natural part of life and living. This is also a good time to take time to begin the conversation regarding end of life decisions and making sure your advanced directives are up to date. Don't wait ! Your family, friends,clergy, medical team, and mortuary will thank you!

Tonight let us take time to reflect on the week so far by listening to this wonderful piece of music; 
Appalachian Spring- The Simple Gifts

Let us be prayerful and mindful of the needs of others:

Jesus, we pray for all those who  are grieving losses new and old. We pray for those who are learning to mourn that they may be comforted and that we may respond with love and compassion.

Jesus, we pray for peace in this broken world and that we may become peacemakers.

Jesus, give us courage to stand for those who haven't a voice. We pray for those who do not have the courage to speak truth to power because of fear and pressure to tow the family line.

Jesus, heal all those who are suffering illnesses of any kind. We pray for quality medical care and that everyone will receive treatment that will help their ills.

Jesus, we pray for an end to extremism of any kind and that we may know the truth of what faith communities really believe. 

Jesus, we pray for all children that they may be kept from harm and be protected/

Jesus, we pray for all of our vulnerable family members in this world. We pray that we may respond to their needs for help and step up quickly.

Jesus, may we learn to love the unlovable and that we may be able to show love even to those who are our family members who happen to be our enemies and estranged family.

Jesus, Give us peace of heart, peace of mind, and peace and calming of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Jesus, we pray for _______________

Jesus, we give thanks for______________

Jesus, may we have patience in our lives and with others.

Jesus, tenderize our hearts, thoughts, and minds, so that we may banish hate and division.

The Collect for the Feast of Johnathan Myrick Daniels:

O God of justice and compassion, you put down the proud and mighty from their place, and lift up the poor and the afflicted: we give you thanks for your faithful witness Jonathan Myrick Daniels, who, in the midst of injustice and violence, risked and gave his life for another; and we pray that we, following his example, may make no peace with oppression; through Jesus Christ the just one, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Galatians 3:22-28

The scripture has imprisoned all things under the power of sin, so that what was promised through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed. Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian, for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.

We ask these our prayers in Jesus most Holy Name. Amen.

Even though this song is from Disney it has powerful words! Our final prayer for this evening:
God Help the Outcasts


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you and hope you all have a blessed and restful evening!Tomorrow is being thoughtful and thankful Thursday! May we always have an attitude of gratitude and practice random acts of kindness. I give God thanks for you this day and always!

Love,blessings, prayers, and with a tender heart,


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