Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chemo #8 , prayers, pix , and a whole lot of love being sent your way!

Good Evening Dear Family of Love!

Well today I had chemo #8 and that means we have 4 more of these babies( Treatments ) to go. Yippee Ki Yea! I didn't think it would be this fast! God is good. I just have to be intentional with my fluids and salt intake. I am grateful for my healing team and that includes you. Please know this dear ones that without God and you and God's Blog my life wouldn't be in the happy plus column.  Let us keep in mind that many of our family members aren't so fortunate and they need our prayers, love and support as well.  Let us take time for our journeying into finding peace at the center: We all know what to do. Here is tonight's meditative musical selection.  A Childhood Remembered 

Gracious Jesus as we enter into the time of the setting Sun and the appearance of the Moon we offer our bodies,minds, and spirits to be united with you in love, service, and gratitude.

Jesus, Calm our bodies, minds, and spirits as we pray. 

Jesus, we pray for all of our Family Members tonight who are feeling, depressed, hopeless, and who are giving up hope. We pray for them with loving hearts praying that they may be infused with hope and courage to lean upon you and our family members.

Jesus,encircle all those who are refugees, victims of terror, violent acts at home and abroad with you healing, loving, and protective presence.

Jesus, send peace,love, justice, and mercy to this broken and tender world.

Jesus, we pray for all Cancer patients and all those who are ill as they receive treatments and care.

Jesus, make us good stewards of your Cathedral of Live and practice good conservation.

Jesus, send rain and seasonable weather to the world and int drought parched places.

Jesus, we pray for all the war torn areas of the world remembering, The Ukraine, Iraq, Israel and Gaza, Syria, Libya, Africa.

Jesus, may we remember that if one of our family members isn't provided equality, all of us are not one or equal and given true justice.

Jesus, we pray for the Missing Girls in Nigeria that they may be found safe and released.

Jesus, we pray for all of our family members who mourn and are preparing for funerals and memorial services. Give them comfort and the sense of your loving presence.

Jesus, may we always remember the least of these and may we reach out to them with loving kindness and eyes that see You in them. May we always see them as visible and not invisible.

Jesus, Take our feet that we may spread your good news out in to this broken world. Take our voices and may we speak truth to power with a loving but firm tone,  May our words heal and not harm,May we use our arms and hands in loving service and comfort, and may we use our ears to listen and hear what our family members are saying at the depths of their being and hearts, \use our eyes as your eyes to see the world as you see it, and do what you'll have us do this day and always!

We offer our own prayers and those of  others to you at this time and  these our prayers to your honor and glory and in Your Name, Lord Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Lovies! I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always.
Take time to enjoy the wonder of God's Cathedral of Life tomorrow on Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. Start preparing for the wind down of the week.

With lots of love, joy, hope, and peace,


Fresh Aire 8 Mannheim Steamroller

 Fresh Aire 7 Mannheim Steamroller  

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