Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Love, laughter, and joy on what would be a sad and depressing day! Dedicated in Loving Memory of Steven James Romero and Leroy F. Macdonald Jr. My principal men in my life.

Dear Family of Love!

Dear ones! I made it through this day with love, laughter, and joy and not being terribly sad! God is Good! I know one thing for sure and it is this,  you can hit many grief milestones without a whole lot of gut wrenching grief. I'm not suggesting that it is easy, it isn't but, with God all things are truly possible. Today was another in the series of resting, relaxing, and renewing. I did what my body told me to do and  I feel better for doing so. Tonight let us take time to reflect and meditate and find peace at the center. Please take out your timers, Mindfulness bowl app, or put on your favorite meditative music. Today's selection will be Bach Mix. As you listen to these Bach Favorites, I ask that after you have a time of reflection that we set our prayers on those who are suffering from depression and mental illness. 

Dear God too many of our family members are alone and contemplating suicide may they find help and know that they are loved. We pray especially for their loved ones and caregivers who are with them. 

God, give aid and comfort to those suffering addiction and who are struggling to become sober. 

God we pray for all children and loved ones who live with those who are struggling from addiction and mental illnesses. Give them love and courage to stay strong and get receive the necessary help they need to live and thrive.

God, we pray for those who struggle with grief and loss.

God, we pray for all of our family members who struggle to live as the authentically beautiful children that you made them to be. We continue to pray for the LGBT community and all those who are young and are afraid to be who they really are.

God we pray for all those who are living with mental illnesses and may we be lovingly attentive to them and not give them all those bad pieces of advice that we have heard before.

God we lift up all those who are living with the many memory disorders and that they may find treatments, cures, and early interventional care, that will prevent these illnesses.

God we pray for all children who have early signs of mental illness and learning disabilities that they may be given the care that they deserve. Help their parent and teachers to take these illnesses seriously and that they may get their children help.

God we pray for all of our family members who are depressed this night and that you arms of love may surround them and that they may wake in the morning knowing and feeling your love.

God we pray for all those who suffer from anxiety, stress, and who need to slow down and stop the glorification of busy, that they may learn to let go and let You O God, in!

God we pray for peace in this your broken world and that all the strife and warfare may cease and that love, justice, and mercy may reign. 

Jesus we add our own prayers, celebrations, remembrances, and most especially our thanksgivings to you and in your most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night dear ones! I love you and hope that you know that you can PM me on Facebook or DM me on Twitter if you need me. Do not be afraid to reach out to me. I'm available to you and have your back and this is a soft place in which to fall. I give God thanks for you this day and always. 

Love, peace, and God's Blessings!


Happy Celestial Birthday My Beloved Steve may you continue to make melody to the Lord in the Thin Places: Here is our music: Brian Wilson -Reimagines Gershwin

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