Friday, August 29, 2014

Side effects or Side Benefits of Chemo! My prayer walking feet are wonky again!

Dear Family of Love!

I didn't think that I would experience the side effects of chemo that I'm experiencing today. Usually Friday's are easy schmeesy! Not so on Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without Fretting. Today I had a meeting at 9:30 and then everything went down hill. I was at the Madonna Plaza in San Luis Obispo when I started to feel clammy and dehydrated. I called my Oncology Nurse and they had to call me back. When I got home I needed to rest and then I received a call and I was able to get in around 3:00 p.m. today. I am again learning that there are side benefits of going through chemo!Rest, relaxation, renewal, hydration, and yes, even letting things go so that one my recover fully from chemical surgery which is what chemo really is. Doing this is called radical self-care. If you can't beat em', join em'! Tonight I invite you to sit back and close your eyes and find peace at the center. Rest, relax, refresh, and renew. Tonight's meditation and relaxation music is Alma Del Sur . Take time to listen and when you are ready begin  with your personal prayers, thanksgivings,celebrations, and remembrances are the order of the evening. 

Holy Spirit, enliven us with your spirit so that we may bring love, peace, hope, and joy to this broken world.

Holy Spirit, heal our weary bodies, minds, and spirits that we may be wholly whole and spread the Good News of God in Christ to those who are in need of love, compassion, and acceptance.

Holy Spirit, bring your comforting spirit to all those who mourn and have been affected by tragedies.

Holy Spirit, quicken our minds that we may think aright and that our thoughts, words, and deeds may heal, comfort, and speak truth to power and that justice and peace may prevail upon Earth,

Holy Spirit, may we be soothed by the Waters of Life coursing through our veins and may we never  thirst but thirst after righteousness.

Holy Spirit,empower us to practice random acts of kindness and to what is pleasing in God's Sight.

Holy Spirit, may we respond with a resounding yest to God's Call for our lives.

Holy Spirit, empower us to speak for and serve the powerless.

Holy Spirit, may we feel your energizing presence that we may be guided to do all the things that God is having us do and to be.

God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit may our prayers be acceptable as we lift them to you and lay them gently in your holy and gracious arms. Amen.


Good Night Lovely Family! I love you! May we all have an evening where we may begin a weekend of resting, relaxing, refreshing, and renewal. Don't be afraid to let  things go if you need to. Take time this weekend for Self-Care, Sabbath -Care, and Rest from your Labors on Labor Day. I give God thanks for you this day and always!

Love, peace, and joy be always yours!


Narada Decade

William Elwood - Renaissance

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