Sunday, August 3, 2014

Experiencing the holy at the J. Paul Getty Museum: Reflections on Heaven and Earth, The Art of Byzantium.

Dear Family of  God (Love) and Pilgrims on our Journey,

Today I had the opportunity to visit the  J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu California. They are having an exhibit called Byzantium : Heaven and Earth . As I set foot into the exhibit hall which had walls richly painted in blood red, I felt the presence of the holy. When one sees these sacred pieces of art it is like it transports one back to the beginning of the Christian Faith. I almost felt a Moses and John the Baptist  moment. A Moses Moment is when Moses encountered the Burning Bush. I became misty-eyed and felt like I was seeing faith events in real time. The first icon to affect me, was seeing the one having to do with the Feast of the Transfiguration which will be here in 3 days on the 6th of August, along with the terrible remembrance of the Atomic Bomb dropping on the people of  of  Hiroshima, both on the same day. As I walked along the exhibit hall I became  more and more aware that God was in the midst of the iconographers, potters,sculptors, and mosaicists,  who created these holy objects. This experience to day had me both be transfixed and transformed. What has transfixed and transformed you today and in the past week ? Tonight let's reflect and dig deep to see how God has transformed your life these past few days. Here is a selection of Byzantine Music from which to reflect with: 

Praise the Lord From the Heavens

Dear Jesus may we become transformed and transfigured to do your will and that we may walk as children of  the light.

Jesus, may we always be able to feel your presence wherever we are and may we always recognize Your gentle tap on our shoulder or butterfly in the stomach or a joy-filled heart.

Jesus, feed us each day with the Bread of Heaven and may we drink from the Waters of Eternal  life that continually hydrates us.

Jesus, may we continually have our eyes fixed on you and follow the path that you have set for us in our daily life.

Jesus, may we see you in all of our family members who may not be the ones we have met yet. We pray for all refugees, strangers, captives. political prisoners, those who seek to divide, those who hate, those who are not able to see or move past the phobias, and isms.

Jesus, we pray for peace in the world where there seems to be a  lack of it. We pray for peace in Your homeland and wherever there is a lack of peace.

Jesus, may we ever be grateful for all the blessings of this life an give thanks with an overflowing heart.

Jesus, we pray for________________

Jesus, help us to have each other's backs and love more fully each and every breath\ that we take.

Jesus, help us to be your hands, feet, voices, in the world to serve and help heal the least of these.

May we always remember those who have lost loved ones and that we may come to their aid with love, compassion, and comfort.

We lay these our prayers at the feet of  Jesus the Christ our Redeemer. Amen.


Good Night  Dear Ones! I love you may you rest peacefully in God's most holy arms. I Give thanks to God for you this night and always! 

Love, joy, peace, and blessings be always yours!


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