Wednesday, August 20, 2014

May the doors, gates, and barriers be open so that we may freely pray and let the Spirit In.

Dear Family of  Love,

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday! I took half a prayer walk tonight and it was a grand and glorious night.  We had quite a bit of prayer walking prayer work. Tonight. It seems like we have a boat load of family members and concerns to pray for. That may seem like quite oppressive at times but that is the work we are called to do. I'm amazed at the peace that settles in my heart when I'm outdoors praying. It's like no other time of prayer that I know. It's like gates, doors, and barriers open while we are out praying in God's Cathedral of Life.What things or circumstances hinder your prayer life? Take time tonight to reflect on what barriers hinder you in your life. Let us take out our timers, mindfulness bell app, or you may use tonight's selection of  music. Andrea Bocelli. Make a list of what barriers keep you from praying, living, and doing those things that you wish to accomplish. Those lists are very important. Take your time and try to go deeper into finding peace at the center.

Jesus, we pray tonight that all barriers to peace may be broken down and that love, justice, and mercy may be the keys to unity.

Jesus, we pray for ourselves and that the doors, gates, and barriers may be open and we may pray with loving and open hearts and let the Holy Spirit in.

Jesus, we pray for an end to violence of any kind especially violence committed against children.

Jesus, we pray for times of rest and reflection in God's Cathedral of Life and Love! 

Jesus, keep watch over all of our family members who are vulnerable.

Jesus, we pray this night that all social service agencies may respond to the needs of the least of these.

Jesus, give us strength to speak truth to power and let justice roll down.

Jesus, take away the barriers that keep us from following you and walking with you on our journey together.

Jesus, replace judgement with love and understanding.

Jesus, give us glad and thankful hearts that we may have attitudes of gratitude.

Jesus, heal all those who are on our hearts, minds, and prayer list. Give them comfort and heal their bodies, minds, and spirits.

Jesus be with those who mourn and all those who have died or are dying.  Giver everyone comfort and enfold them with your loving arms.

Jesus, finally we pray for an end to terrorism and acts of sectarian violence  one and for all that swords may become ploughshares and spears, pruning hooks and that there may an end to war forevermore.

Lord Jesus we thank you that you are already accomplishing these things ! We pray lift these prayers to you in your Most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family, I love you and may you find the doors, gates, and barriers that are keeping you from living life abundantly being made open for you. I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

With love and a heart filled to the brim and overflowing!


-The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended

Morning Glory Starlit Sky- Vanstone

Ubi Caritas Durufle

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