Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Energetic Joy ! I don't even feel as though I have had Chemo! God is very good!

Dear Family of Love,

I couldn't believe that I walked the Whole Holy #3 and with energetic joy at the beginning and the end! God is  Very Good. I hadn't planned on doing another Whole Holy #3 but God wanted me to take the entire route. Has this ever happened to you? I hope so, because that is when you know that the Holy Spirit is alive and well in all of us. Today is Take Care Tuesday ! I hope everyone is taking time to take care that is a combination of self-care and slowing down and not be in a rush. We all need to take time and not be in a rush because we have become too wound up in this fast paced world. Moving too fast +Thinking too fast equals and spells trouble for our bodies, minds, and spirits. So, my dear family let's slow down, think things out, and don't be in a hurry. We need to stop the glorification of busy.  That must mean it is time for a period of reflection and relaxation: Get your timer out or select your music and lets begin finding peace at the center.  
Here is tonight's musical suggestion :The Mists of Avalon Soundtrack

Let us slow down to pray.

Jesus, you taught us to rest and pray help us to do just that and take our time to be in conversation with You.

Jesus, we pray for all of our family members who need to be vigilant in the care of others and themselves. Give them times to recognize that they need respite and self-care.

Jesus, we pray for all those who are seeking employment with good pay. We pray that those who are seeking to hire our family members may treat every applicant in a humane way just as you did when you called The Twelve.

Jesus, we pray for all of our family members who are receiving treatment for cancer and those awaiting surgery.

Jesus, we pray for those of us who continue to grieve, may we feel your loving arms of comfort surround us.

Jesus, make our hearts tender to love on another and to be accepting of all.

Jesus, we pray for all who are living with mental illness and memory related illnesses. 

Jesus, we pray for our family members who are the least of these. May we always be mindful of the needs of our family members.

Jesus, we pray for peace in this broken world and that we may lean to be loving peacemakers who aren't afraid to talk to our perceived adversaries.

Jesus, we lay our weary bodies, minds, and spirits on you this night , so that we may wake refreshed and renewed to do the work you have called us to do.

Jesus, we pray for those whom we have been asked to pray for remembering ___________________

Jesus, may  we remember ______________

Jesus, we give thanks for__________________

Jesus, we celebrate_________________

We offer these our prayers to you this night in your Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love and know that I love you and I give thanks to you this night and always. Tomorrow let's do as St. Ignatius of Loyola said "Go forth and set the world on fire. Tomorrow, let us be transfixed, transformed and transfigured as we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration.Please Pray this night for the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as they remember the 69th commemoration of these terrible events and the opening of a Pandora's box of fear and division. Let peace prevail upon the Earth.

With love and a grateful heart for each of you!


Byzantine selection of the day

                                 Soweto Gospel Choir -Amazing Grace

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