Friday, October 16, 2015

It's that Four Letter Word again! Rest!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Friday and that you all remembered that today is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting.Tonight is our time to place our worries, concerns, and any thing else that is troubling our hearts into the Worry/Sabbath box or jar and leave them for the weekend until Monday night. This is when we leave all of these things in the loving hands of God and rest and prepare for our Self Care and Sabbath Rest Weekend. Think of these times as a kind of Sacred Spa Day if  you will. Quite a few of us have trouble coming to grips with the concept of personal rest and retreat times. I challenge us to try to find balance this weekend.  Tonight lets give ourselves over to rest and renewal. It may not be the easiest thing we have to do, but we must because sleep and rest are both important for our general and spiritual health. Let us place our worries into the jar and just be. Take as much time as you need to just be. It isn't always easy to sit still but I think you'll be able to master it if you take  rest periods in small amounts.  Set your timers and close your eyes until you are ready to open them.  Here is a timed piece of music that may be used if you don't want to meditate in silence. Bobby McFerrin and Yo Yo Ma -Hush

Let us be at prayer

Gracious God we pray for the rest of our bodies, minds, and spirits . Give us courage to take rest any time that we need to.

Gracious God we entrust our worries and anxieties to you this night so that we may rest gentle with a clean mind and spirit.

Gracious God we pray for all of our family members who are struggling with life's challenges.

Gracious God we pray for all who are ill that they may be healed. 

Gracious  God we come before you to ask for forgiveness of any and all the things that we have done.

Gracious God we pray for  peace in our hearts, cities, nation, and the world.

Gracious God we pray this night for all who are traveling and especially those traveling where there have been mudslides and flash floods.

We pray this night for rain and seasonable weather.

We pray for _________________________

We give thanks for____________________

We lift up these our prayers in name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.


Good Night Dear Family! I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always.
Remember it is time to lay down our burdens and rest. 

With love and blessings,


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