Thursday, October 22, 2015

With God's Help? How do we ask God to Help Us?

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

I hope everyone remembered that today was and is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. Thursdays are when we must but on our attitudes of gratitude and be mindful of the needs of others Tonight's episode of "Belief" entitled "God Help Us" spoke about how people/our family members cling to their faith(s) when things get rocky. I don't know about you but I'd be lost without my faith and this was certainly true when I went through cancer treatment. This is now evident due to a new disease that I have called hyperparathyroidism where I have too much calcium in my body. We are on the road to find out what is causing it. I'm going to rely on God again ,as I always do to get me through this next chapter. Asking God for help isn't an easy thing to do as is asking our family members for help too. Courage and faith are the tools that guide us to rely on God regularly. Seeing the various struggles that the people in tonight's episode was so important because it taught me that what ever your faith is we all struggle in very much the same ways. How we get through those struggles with God's help is even more amazing and not at all uniform.  We all need to realize that we need to break down the walls that divide us and see each other as members of the human family and that we all have a place in this world together as an inter-connected family. I hope you will take time to view tonight's episode with an open mind and see where you would fit yourself in to the stories.

Tonight let's draw nearer to God and find ways to ask God for help without begging but with gentle requests whispered with loving hearts.

A reminder of our suggested meditation steps for the week:

 Let us start by finding a place of quiet in our home where we are away from distractions
Once we find our "Happy Place " in our home let us find a comfortable chair
Sit down gently in the chair. 
Let us begin by taking a few of our deep and cleansing breaths with our eyes closed.
Think of the words that we use for our mindfulness and breathing exercises. Tonight I'm going to suggest that we do this on our own because you won't always have the guide with you.
Next we are going to do relaxation exercises from head to to by squeezing and releasing ever muscle group and some gentle stretches.Don't forget to do toe and hand wigglies. 
After you have completed these steps it is time for our Mindfulness 5+  sits. We do this without moving a muscle. Let us add 5 minutes each day for the next week. 

Today we are going to spend a few minutes seeking God in the quiet doing our sit. 

Tomorrow and in the days to come we are going to Seek God within ourselves by meditating and going deeper into our heart homes. Seek to know and to love God more fully. As we seek God let us be also be continually transformed on our life's pilgrimage. As we are being transformed let us seek and feel God's presence and learn how to ask God for help in our prayers. 

In the coming days we are going to do all three as in the title of tonight's blog along with our viewing of "Belief"  

Key episode titles: 
"Love's Story" 
"Acts of Faith"
" Change is Gonna Come"
"God Help Us"

You may meditate on these key words as well
Tonight's episode: Belief: Episode 5 - God Help Us

Tonight's pilgrimage music:

Let us pray with attitudes of gratitude to our Gracious and loving God.

Gracious God we offer before you our gratitude list no matter how large or small. May we read the list aloud and take time while we pray.

Gracious God we pray for all who teach and those who learn and especially all of our family members who are taking and preparing for exams.

Gracious God lay your healing hands upon all who are ill that they may be relieved and comforted.

Gracious God we pray for peace in the world and that we may be united as one loving family under God.

Gracious God we pray for the least of these and that we may have the ability to respond to their needs lovingly.

Gracious God Challenge us to be better family members one to another and that we may be grateful for each other's gifts and skills.

Gracious God we pray for your beautiful Cathedral of Life and that we may be loving conservationists of the Earth and all Living things. We pray for rain in the drought parched ares of the world and in our country.

Gracious God we give thanks for all the many faiths, peoples, cultures, that you created so that we wouldn't have to live in a boring world together.

Gracious God we pray this night for __________________________

Gracious God we  give thanks to you for___________________________

Gracious God we celebrate___________________________________

Gracious  God we remember those who are dying and have died today that they had a peaceful journey into the  Thin places. We pray for all who mourn and are grieving any loss.  May we be sources of comfort and compassion.

Gracious God we lift these our prayers to you  in the name of  your son Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love. I love you and give God thanks for you! May you be blessed on your journey of faith and that you may not be afraid to ask God for help in the stillness of your hearts. Remember tomorrow is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. 

With love and gratitude for all that you are and all that you are becoming,


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