Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Gift of God's Presence and The Presents God gives us in our lives.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Happy Sabbath Rest and Self-Care Sunday! I hope everyone is having a day that is calm and renewing. I don't know about you but when I spend a day at the Faith Factory (church) for almost all day that I find myself buoyed up and energized. The energy is Love Energy. I was the Lay Eucharistic Minister at the 8:00 a.m. service and that usually would be a tough time to have to get up and be there at 7:30 a.m. but today it was very easy. Being in God's presence in church and serving is one of the most special times one can have. Today felt truly holy and life giving. I think we all need to seek this out and feel it every day not just on Sundays. We also have to open our hearts and invite God in and leave the door open for God's abiding presence. God's presence is a gift that God has given us from the beginning of the universe and the beginning of our lives. We come fully equipped with a soul  that is the holy jewel box where we find God's presence and presents that God wants us to share with our family members and the world. We have to become an extension of God's presence and share the presents(gifts) God has given us. We as people of faith aren't let off the hook because we have been called to serve the least of these who are also our family members. I know this sounds repetitive but we all need to be reminded that this is part of our life's purpose . We have been called to be present for one another and have each other's backs. Don't be afraid to give our family members the gift of presence and by extension God's presence through you each and every day that we live, move and just be. Tonight let us go deeper into the center and into God's presence in our heart homes and also feel God's presence surrounding us. We all need to let God's presence empower us and transform us more fully into  God's image and likeness. This involves keeping our connection with God fresh and new. Each moment we live we are experiencing the holy in many ways. God is always showing us something new if only we connect with our hearts, spirits, souls, and minds, with Love Energy.  Let us take this opportunity to be quiet and let God  and love in. 

Let us sit in the presence of God at God's feet and be quiet and listen for God's still small voice within ourselves so that when we leave the center we my shine God's Light and love to the world.

Music for Meditation

Gregorian Chants from Assisi

Prayers that calm and renew

God we pray this night for all who are restless and their nerves that are shaken. 
Calm our nerves, minds, and spirits God.

God we pray for peace in this your broken world.
Calm our fears, banish hate and let us sew seeds of love and mercy to those whom we fear and hate.

God we pray for all those who have entered into hospice care and are in transition.
Calm their fears and those of their loved ones as they vigil and sit at bedside. We pray for a gentle and peaceful transitioning.

God  we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing.
Give us a sense of calm while we wait for your healing O God.

God give us courage when we make mistakes and admit our wrong doing.
Calm our fears and make us strong as we meet the bumps in the road and along our life's journey.

God we pray for our nation as it goes through many trials and tribulations.
Calm our unnecessary fears and banish all of our phobias, hate, and mistrust.

God we pray for a restful and peaceful night and that we may be rested, relaxed, renewed, and refreshed. 
Give us Calm bodies, minds, and spirits as we rest.

God we pray for all those who ask us for prayer remembering especially__________________ and for ourselves._____________.
Give us calm while we pray.

God we  pray for rain in the drought parched lands. Help us to conserve water and be diligent in conservation of our environment. 

God we pray for all the leaders of the nations around the world that need to feel the power of your love and remember they are ambassadors for peace and that they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you O god and that they may turn their swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning  hooks and that they may never learn war anymore. 
Calm all this extremism and warring madness. 

God we pray for all who lead the various faith communities and the people with whom they minister. Calm our fears when we meet other family members of God  from other faiths that we may show our love and compassion to them.

God we pray this night for all the least of  these. Keep them safe from harm. 
Calm their fears in the night hours and may they feel your loving and protective arms around them.

Calm us O God That we may be renewed by your loving presence that we may use the presents you have given us in the presence and service of others. 

God we lift up these prayers in the name of your only Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night my dearly loved ones. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. May we feel God's calming presence this night and always.

With love and blessings and prayers that you will feel God's abiding presence.


Some of my favorite pix !

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