Friday, October 23, 2015

Practicing our faith is a step by step and day by day kind of thing!

Dear Family of  Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Happy Keeping The Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. Tonight's episode of "Belief" talked about practicing our faith. I don't know about you but this is easier said than done. Like life it is a step by step process where we get to cut ourselves some slack so that we don't get ourselves worked up because we think have to be perfect. We aren't expected to have all the answers and have it all down pat. We all must practice our faith with love in our hearts an disciplined minds. Each day we need to do this with mindfulness, prayer, meditation, and yest learning how to do spiritual resting of our bodies, minds, and spirits. That leads me to our weekly reminder that we must be in prayerful preparation for our Sabbath Rest and Self-Care weekend. This is our time to go deeper into the holy and find ourselves connected to and with God. This is the time we place our worries, anxieties, fears, and anything else that is making your mind run in high gear into our Worry/Sabbath Box.  If you haven't had this all down perfectly don't worry it's a day by day and step by step process. 

Tonight let's draw nearer to God and putt our faith into practice with meditation and prayer and action. 

A reminder of our suggested meditation steps for the week:

 Let us start by finding a place of quiet in our home where we are away from distractions
Once we find our "Happy Place " in our home let us find a comfortable chair
Sit down gently in the chair. 
Let us begin by taking a few of our deep and cleansing breaths with our eyes closed.
Think of the words that we use for our mindfulness and breathing exercises. Tonight I'm going to suggest that we do this on our own because you won't always have the guide with you.
Next we are going to do relaxation exercises from head to to by squeezing and releasing ever muscle group and some gentle stretches.Don't forget to do toe and hand wigglies. 
After you have completed these steps it is time for our Mindfulness 5+  sits. We do this without moving a muscle. Let us add 5 minutes each day for the next week. 

Today we are going to spend a few minutes seeking God in the quiet doing our sit. 

Tomorrow and in the days to come we are going to Seek God within ourselves by meditating and going deeper into our heart homes. Seek to know and to love God more fully. As we seek God let us be also be continually transformed on our life's pilgrimage. As we are being transformed let us seek and feel God's presence and learn how to ask God for help in our prayers. 

In the coming days we are going to do all three as in the title of tonight's blog along with our viewing of "Belief"  

Key episode titles: 
"Love's Story" 
"Acts of Faith"
" Change is Gonna Come"
"God Help Us"
"The Practice"

You may meditate on these key episode words as well
Tonight's episode: Belief : The Practice

Tonight's pilgrimage music: 

Let us be at prayer

God of peace, we pray for all who have been victims, of violence, abuse, and terror.  
Let us beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks and never learn war no more.

God of peace we pray for all children who are in need of protection that they may be safe at home, school, or any place where they play, live, and learn. 
Let us beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hook and never learn war anymore.

God of peace we pray that love, peace, justice, and mercy may prevail upon the earth.

God of peace may we practice conservation and be good stewards of this your fragile and broken world and that we may not commit violence upon all living things and especially to the land, air, water,and all that you created. 

God of Peace we pray for all who commit and are lead to  these terrible acts of violence, abuse, and terror that they may lead away by your holy arms of strength and that they may repent of any wrongdoing.

God of Peace, we pray for all family members who have loved ones who suffer and live with mental illness. We pray that they may receive the help that they need.

God of peace we pray that all towns and cities may be afforded the gift of having facilities for those who have mental illness and mental health  difficulties.

God of peace, we pray for an end to extremism in its many forms May they turn their hearts, minds, and spirits into loving You O God and our Family of God.

God of peace may all the least of these never become driven to commit acts of violence, terror, and abuse because they are lost, lonely, hungry, and homeless.

God of peace we pray for all of our family members who are mourning and deep grief over t the loss of loved ones who were victims of violence and terror.  May we show them love, kindness, and compassion.

God of peace we pray for all who travel that they may be safely lead to their destination and and back home.

God of peace we pray for all of our family members who are ill and especially those who are living with chronic illness. We pray that all the medical teams may get a handle on these scary illnesses. We pray for an end to all diseases that wreak havoc and cause fear.

Holy God, you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. We pray today for all those in the wake of Hurricane Patricia. We pray for protection for those most vulnerable to the storm and for wisdom and safety for first responders. We pray for the many challenges which will be left in the wake of this powerful storm and we ask that you will equip and inspire us to be witnesses to your compassion and care for all who suffer its impact. Amen.

God  of peace we lay down our burdens this night as we offer these our prayers and those on  behalf of others in the Name of Jesus Your Son. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! Let us become more loving, more peaceful, more just, and more merciful, and more of everything that will unite us  as the Family of God . I love you  and I give thanks to God for you this day and always. Remember tomorrow is Self-care Saturday. 

Love, peace, prayers, blessings be always yours,


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