Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Seeking, loving, and acting with faith as we set our feet upon life's amazing pilgrimage.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Happy Take Care Tuesday! I hope everyone endeavored to take care of  yourselves so that you may take care of others. What's the greatest risk you have wanted to make and take as an act of faith? On tonight's episode of Belief we had the topic Acts of Faith. Acts of faith may mean many different things to many people. In the previous topics "Seekers" and "Love's Story" we have seen a gradual progression of  life's pilgrimage and faith. What kind of acts of faith have drawn you closer that to God ? What kinds of acts of faith have you needed to do in hopes of  a miracle? These are tonight's  questions we shall ponder and dive ever more deeply into the center in hopes of being rooted in God's presence and having our heart homes warmed. Let us refresh our memory for our mindfulness and meditation practices this week:

A reminder of our suggested meditation steps for the week:

 Let us start by finding a place of quiet in our home where we are away from distractions
Once we find our "Happy Place " in our home let us find a comfortable chair
Sit down gently in the chair. 
Let us begin by taking a few of our deep and cleansing breaths with our eyes closed.
Think of the words that we use for our mindfulness and breathing exercises. Tonight I'm going to suggest that we do this on our own because you won't always have the guide with you.
Next we are going to do relaxation exercises from head to to by squeezing and releasing ever muscle group and some gentle stretches.Don't forget to do toe and hand wigglies. 
After you have completed these steps it is time for our Mindfulness 5+  sits. We do this without moving a muscle. Let us add 5 minutes each day for the next week. 

Today we are going to spend a few minutes seeking God in the quiet doing our sit. 

Tomorrow and in the days to come we are going to Seek God within ourselves by meditating and going deeper into our heart homes. Seek to know and to love God more fully. 

In the coming days we are going to do all three as in the title of tonight's blog along with our viewing of "Belief"  

Key episode titles: 
"Love's Story" 
"Acts of Faith"

You may meditate on these key words as well

Tonight's pilgrimage music:

God we sit at your feet with courage so that we may learn what it takes to be actively faithful.

God we sit at your feet and pray for the least of these and those who wish us harm.

God we sit  at your feet seeking to know you better, loving our family members and ourselves  and  courageously setting our faith in action.

God we sit at your feet listening to what you have to share with us each and every day.

God we sit  at your feet praying for rain and seasonable weather.

God we sit at your feet praying for all of your children who are in mourning.

God we sit at your feet asking you to help those of us who are dying that we may have courage to let go and go to you when you call us home.

God we sit at your feet with patience as we await the results of tests and new diagnosis.

God we sit at your feet and pray for all our family members who are waiting in Emergency, Surgical Waiting, and I.C.U. waiting rooms.

God we sit your feet in hope for the new life paths you have set our feet upon.

God we sit at your  feet just to be.

God  we sit at your feet to seek to know you more fully.

God we sit at your feet with love in our hearts for you and that we may tell our Love Story With you to our family members.

God we sit at your feet as an act of faith without fear but with love and amazing courage.

God we sit at your feet and lift these our prayers with arms outstretched in Jesus' Name . Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! May we all continue to seek, love, and be courageous as we act out our faith in ways that are pleasing to God and to each other. I give God thanks for you this night and always. 

With love and blessings as we continue to seek together on life's amazing pilgrimage,


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