Monday, October 26, 2015

Meditation upside down cake! Let's be spiritually flexible in our prayers and meditation!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

Happy You Matter Monday! Wow it is October 26, 2015 already. Time is passing quickly and we all know how hard this is faith wise. We all want to slow down life's pace so that we can bask in the presence of God and each other. Last evening my niece called and is planning an early Thanksgiving dinner on the 14th so that we can all be together and that her friend  can have her family on Thanksgiving day. This may work out really well so we'll see what happens  We are all required to be flexible and do different things. Some days we all must change up our spiritual and life routines. I know that must come as a surprise but it shouldn't. Tonight we are going to do a mix it up meditation. That means prayer first, meditation second, and mindfulness at the close. 

Our prayers come from Slow down and feel God's loving presence in your life. God is a gift to you ,as you are a gift of God, and we are Gifts to one another

Here are tonight's prayers

God who gave us the gift of presence may we be present one to another this day and always.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we present ourselves as holy, loving, and wholly loving beings.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we give of ourselves and help the least of these.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we help encourage universal human rights to all of our Family of love,

God who gave us the gift of presence we give thanks for healing that has begun in all bodies, minds, and spirits who are ill.

God who gave us the gift of presence empower us to be peace makers and spread your Gospel message of love, peace, hope,and joy.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we  be transfixed, transformed, and transfigured this season and that we may remember that by Jesus' birth we were being reborn and redeemed so that we may be lights to the world in time and space.

God who gave us the gift of eternal life may we feel the presence of our loved ones who reside in the the Thin Places and know that we are all eternal beings. 

God who gave us the gift of love may we show and give love with courage and compassion.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we be always present to answer your call and serve you in the vocation you have chosen for us.

God who gave us the gift of presence, we pray for all who mourn and are pre-grieving losses may we  step up and give love, comfort, and compassion.

God who gave us the gift of presence may we be present as we pray for ourselves and our Family of  Love who have asked us to pray remembering especially___________________

Jesus who continues to walk with us on our journey may we offer these our prayers in your most holy name. Amen. 

Let us meditate upon how we can be flexible in our faith and in our lives. Let's go deeper into the center and spend time in the presence of God. 

Tonight let's draw nearer to God and find ways to ask God for help without begging but with gentle requests whispered with loving hearts.

A reminder of our suggested meditation steps for the week:

 Let us start by finding a place of quiet in our home where we are away from distractions
Once we find our "Happy Place " in our home let us find a comfortable chair
Sit down gently in the chair. 
Let us begin by taking a few of our deep and cleansing breaths with our eyes closed.
Think of the words that we use for our mindfulness and breathing exercises. Tonight I'm going to suggest that we do this on our own because you won't always have the guide with you.
Next we are going to do relaxation exercises from head to to by squeezing and releasing ever muscle group and some gentle stretches.Don't forget to do toe and hand wigglies. 

After you have completed these steps it is time for our Mindfulness 5+  sits. We do this without moving a muscle. Let us add 5 minutes each day for the next week.

How did that feel? Did that rattle your cage or did it make sense to switch it up?


Good Night Dear Ones ! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night. I give God Thanks for you always. Remember you matter, we all matter, and that we must matter to ourselves. Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday! Let us take care of ourselves so that we may take care of others.

With love and blessings,


Taize- O Lord Hear my Prayer

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