Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our bodies must be spiritually and physically healthy ! We also must help our governmental and civic organizations be healthy too.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

Happy Take Care Tuesday! Did you remember to take  care of yourself so that you could take care of others? I hope that you did. Sometimes we all must learn to be proactive in the care of ourselves so that we may not find ourselves in physical, spiritual, and mental trouble. By the same token we all must be proactive and learn what it truly means to be a citizen in God's Kingdom and a good citizen of the world and the nations in which we live. We all must become educated citizens and that may mean participating by going to City Council, School Board, Planning Commission, and County Supervisor Meetings. Seeing our government and how other elected bodies work are as important as reading the newspaper and voting. Sometimes we find ourselves not knowing which end is up and which end is down when we are bombarded by the news, internet, political tracts and the like. I would suggest that during this election cycle we may find ourselves paying a visit to any governmental body just to see how they work. We need to help our civic organizations to be transparent and healthy just as we do ourselves. So here is a list of what you can do to help our government be healthy:

Attend and participate in meetings and boards. Know your facts before going in or go in stupid and come out smart.
Don't be afraid to speak truth to power by your presence and if you feel called to speak in front of the council or board at public comment time. 
Read a reputable newspapers and newsletters that are in print and online.
Write your elected officials often and sometimes write and tell them thank you and what a good job they are doing.
Question things that don't seem right. Petition if you have to. Keep digging! 

Tonight let's meditate on the words unity and love. Take your time and find your way into the center and stay there. Be in conversation and listen to what God is saying.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts, and souls O God to help us promote healthy bodies, minds, and spirits not only in our lives but as as good citizens.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts, and souls O God  to seek peace in everything we do.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts, and souls O God, to love and care for the least of these.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts and souls O  God, to strive for justice, peace, and equality throughout all nations of the world and in our own country.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts and souls O God, that we may learn to love and care for the refugee, victim of violence, and human trafficking.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts and souls O God that we may care for all who  are in mourning and those who have died.

Open our eyes, ears hearts and souls O God to help us fight injustice and oppression.

Open our eyes, ears, hearts,and souls O God to come to you when we are in need of help and comfort.

Open our eyes, ears,hearts and souls O God to Pray for all those who are ill and in need of your healing. remembering_________________________

Open our eyes, ears, hearts, and souls that we may lift up our prayers and thanksgivings to you O Lord . Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night! Let us take care of ourselves so that we may be able to take care of others. I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

Love and blessings,


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