Thursday, July 31, 2014

Go Forth and Set the World On Fire!- St. Ignatius of Loyola

Dear Family of  Love (God) and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Today in many religious calendars we celebrate the feast day of St. Ignatius of  Loyola, one of his most famous quotes is "Go Forth and Set the World On Fire!" What does that mean for us? What does that mean for the world? For us we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, Pneuma, Ruach, and the many other  enlivening  powers of faith to go out into the world and effect change for the good. We all must be empowered with love, compassion, and a willingness to face the difficulties that are ahead. Sometimes fire may be seen as a cleansing and purifying agent. Lots of times when we see and hear about wild fires and are told that many areas of brush haven't burned for centuries or many years. After the burning away of this brush we find new growth and healthy sprouts. That is what we all need to do for ourselves! We need to burn away all the dead brush and find new growth. God invites us to do this all through the day wherever we are.  What kind of  brush is within you that needs burning away to allow for new growth? Take time to find out and ask God to help you. When we set the world on fire in ourselves we find more energy and purpose to love and serve the least of these, have courage to speak truth to power, and a love from the Holy Spirit that is to the brim and over flowing! I'm finding this daily. It isn't always easy but we need to do so. What does this mean for the world? It means that we are the Lights of the World, peace makers, healers, hope bringers, and love givers!
So let us do as St. Ignatius said in his famous quote "Go forth and set the world on fire!"

Tonight let us take time to do our prayer at the center: Let's put on the timer or music for about 15 minutes and take time to reflect upon the day and how we can set the world on fire. 

Take and receive - Prayer of St. Ignatius

Prayer for Generosity St.Ignatius of Loyola                  

O God, by whose grace your servant Ignatius, enkindled with the fire of your love, became a burning and a shining light in your Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and may ever walk before you as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (From Satucket Lectionary -St. Ignatius Loyola)

Jesus, help us to bear the light to others and lighten their dark places.

Jesus,  heal and help all children to be able to make right choices in life.

Jesus, heal all those who are suffering in body, mind, and spirit.

Jesus,  we pray for our nation that the divisions may cease and that we may be united as one.

Jesus, protect all those who are in danger in God's broken world especially in the war torn areas of the world and in the Holy Places where you  walked , healed, and fed many with love, loaves, and fishes.
We pray for Gaza, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Egypt. 
We pray for Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya
We pray for the Ukraine
We pray for the 51 million refugees and those who are at our borders and have entered our country.
We pray for political prisoners, immigrants, strangers, the marginalized, our enemies, those who hate us, those without human rights or dignity, help us to remember that they are family too.
Jesus, we pray for all pilgrims and especially those who are working on the Pine Ridge Reservation with the Red Shirt Project.

Jesus, we pray for all religious leaders clergy, lay, and church musicians who are preparing for worship this Sabbath rest weekend. We pray for those who are preaching the Gospel that they may write what you want their congregations to hear and to receive.

Jesus ,we pray especially for those who travel and for safety on all forms of transportation.

Jesus, we lift up these our prayers to you in your most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family! I will be on the road to LA tomorrow and we will have a blog tomorrow night. I love you ,You Matter, and I give God thanks to you this day and always! Have a blessed night and a peaceful rest.

Love, joy, blessings, prayers, and peace be always yours!


Taize Mix

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