Saturday, July 19, 2014

Walking the Whole Holy #3! Praying this night for God's Children!

Dear Family of  Love,

Well that wasn't a very long rest period! I walked the Whole Holy #3 and guess what? The prayer walking energy is back and I give thanks to God for this. We have lots of praying to do and yes it really does help to prayer walk rather than pray in place. I love to be outdoors and feel God's peace and walk at the time of the evening breeze as God did in Genesis in the Garden of Eden. Jesus is with us too reminding me of the least of these when we walk and helps us to find rest while we walk and pray. We had a little bit of sprinkles the lot's of celestial cloud shots. Tonight let us reflect on the past week and look towards tomorrow when many of us will be worshiping with our faith communities. Let's put on the timer or music for as long as we need to. A suggestion is 10 minutes. Taize Mix is the the suggested meditation and reflections music for tonight.

Holy Jesus as we enter this evening let us pray especially for the Children of God and all who love and care for them.

Jesus come into the hearts of all who care for all the Children of God who are very young and haven't anyone to help them and keep them safe.

Jesus we pray that children may be protected from bullying and abuse. 

Jesus we pray for all children who live in orphanages and foster homes. We pray that they may find parents who will adopt them and give them the gift of families and forever homes.

Jesus we pray for all children who live with disabilities and find it hard to be accepted. We pray that we may be advocates on their behalf.  We pray that their parents and loved ones may have courage to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and not be afraid to care and accept their child who is differently abled. 

Jesus we pray for all children who are suffering with cancer and any illness that prevents them from leading active lives. We pray for the healing of their illnesses.

Jesus we pray for all children who are refugees and are forced to leave their country of origin. Help us to remember that you were once a refugee. We pray for their protection and that they may be welcomed not as strangers but as part of the Family of God.

Jesus we pray that all children may be treated as truly the children they are and be allowed to grow up and have the gift of childhoods filled with childlike wonder and play.

Jesus we pray for all children who are living with their parents in homeless shelters that they may be protected and kept safe and secure with their families.

Jesus we pray for all the agencies that come to the aid of all children remembering especially______________

Jesus we pray that all children may receive quality education and that they may be taught well and that they may be educated by teachers who care and are compassionate.

Lord Jesus we pray for all God's Children who have been touched by violence this day especially those in war torn places of the world.  We pray especially God's precious children in the Middle East, Africa, and The Americas and all over the world who are in danger.

Jesus we pray for all children who are struggling acceptance as the authentically beautiful children who were made by a Loving and merciful God.

Jesus we pray for those who continue to mourn the loss of  life on the Malaysian Airliner. Help us to remember all children who have been left behind that they may have loving families to care for them.

Help us Jesus to remember that we are all Children and Family Members of God and we are your brothers and sisters. May we ever learn to be loving, merciful, and follow your holy example of holy living.

Jesus we add our own prayers at this time and lift them to you Lord Christ in Your Name. Amen.


Good Night Dear Brothers and Sisters of mine. I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always. Please don't forget that there is still time for Self-Care on this Self-Care Saturday.

Love, joy, blessings, and peace be yours this night and always!


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