Saturday, December 21, 2013

Are we there yet? Approaching the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy and love with prayer!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

It's a glorious day and the sun is out and Winter has begun. We are almost to the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Let us pray using all four of the keywords of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. This prayer cycle may be used throughout the upcoming week and beyond! We will have a special one for Christmas so please stay tuned.

Are we there yet?  Approaching the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy and love with prayer!  (Advent 4 Prayer Cycle)

Let us pray

Dear Lord as we continue our journey to the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love help us to be mindful of our family members who are lonely, lost, and have lost hope. Help us to be your hope bringers.

We pray for all the unsettled places in the world this day remembering still Syria, Southern Sudan, the Ukraine, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Let there be peace  O Lord.

We pray for all children and that they may know the Joy and wonder of Christmas. Help us who are older to remember and feel that joy.

We pray for all those who feel unlovable and outcast. May we be loving as You O Lord are loving.

Lord we pray for  those who have lost hope____________________

Lord we pray for the areas in the world where  peace is in short supply___________________

Lord we pray and remember all those who have entered eternal joy _______________________

Lord we pray special prayers of love and thanksgiving for all those who are dear to us_______________________

Help us to remember to be Hope bringers, peace makers, Joy givers, and love bearers to everyone we meet this season and always and know that each of these are fruits of the Spirit. May we continue to grow and be fruitful in Spirit and love This day and always. Amen.

Suggested prayer list:
For our troops
For our government officials
For First responders
For the Astronauts aboard the International Space Station
the homeless, hungry, lonely, and lost
those with chronic illnesses and pain and all who are ill and infirm.
For those who are addicted, in recovery, and their families and friends
caregivers and  care receivers
Hospice and home health workers
For all those who feel lost in cyberspace and social media
For our Churches, clergy and lay leadership and all those who will come through their doors for help in the coming days.
For those who travel and for safety on the roads especially those in the weather challenged areas of our country. For those who pilot, drive, or operate buses, airplanes, ships, and trains.
Help us to slow down and be mindful and aware as we drive.
For responsible journalism  and reporting
For social justice ministries. Pray for the ones that mean the most to you.
For those who will be spending the holidays in the hospital or extended care facilities.
For those in prison and correctional facilities and their families
For families who are going through changes.
For those who grieve loss helping us to remember that time of loss doesn't mean someone stops grieving.


Dear ones- This is all for now! I love you and you matter and I continue to pray and give thanks to God for you! "The Light of Christ in Me, Recognizes the Light of Christ in You!"

Peace, love, and prayers!


O come, O Come Emmanuel

O Oriens -SSJE

O God of Earth and Altar

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