Friday, December 20, 2013

Today's a gift! Unwrap with great care!

Dear Family of Love and Fellow Pilgrims!

I walked tonight and prayed for you and all those you whom you have entrusted to me to pray for. I am humbled and honored to do this every day for you. I could tangibly feel your love and God's presence as well as God's abiding love for me and for us. It is, and I know that I have said it before, how amazing it is that you all are in my life for a reason. I am very thankful to God for you. You are an amazing family to me and to one another. Not just for today but always. I'm reminded that every day is a gift and we must unwrap it with great care. Today may seem like all the others but it isn't. It is a day that is, and will be unique and can't be re-gifted or replicated in any way. How do we open these gifts? We ask God in prayer prior to untying the ribbon! This can be ongoing during the day.  Untie the ribbon slowly and try not to let it get knotted up. This is how we should greet the day slowly and not knotted up! We mustn't get knotted up.  Don't rip the wrapping! The paper may have something to say or something for you to see, please use great care. Don't rush and scurry to get out of bed, take time to rise. Remember to take care and honor what  God and  your body are telling you today.  Every day we must take great care in living and how we approach the day. God is central in making every day of mine count! I find that we take for granted that we will be here tomorrow and we can have a cavalier attitude in how we go about our days.Hearing about all the accidents that have been happening in our area just reminds me even more how precious each day is. So, as the 59th Street Bridge Song says" Slow down you move too fast you got to make the morning last!"  The next few days as we approach the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love let us be mindful and reverent, as we journey there. Take time for going outside, praying, and living life more mindfully and taking great care. Maybe if we do this, we will not be stressed out and the gift that we offer ,which is ourselves, to the Christ Child once again will be one without stress and wrapped with love, care, gratitude, peace, and a gentle spirit. 

Well dear ones that is all for tonight! I love you , you matter, and let us continue to journey on to the Manger of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love together with our spirits enlivened, our steps quickened, and our hearts tenderized to to God's will. 

Love and peace of mind,


P. S. No photos tonight!

Music Sampler 

O Antiphons: O Clavis David - O Key of David

O Come, O come Emmanuel

A Spotless Rose

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